Tonight in London, the ruling Conservative party voted on whether to keep Theresa May as PM. The outcome will be publicly known within minutes.
Below is info about how the British system works & what might happen next.
Unlike the US, the head of govt can be selected by the legislature at any time, and does not necessarily trigger an election.
Northern Ireland has the most to lose from a bad Brexit deal, or worse, leaving with no deal.
IOW, a win's a win.
A time honored tactic.
The EU is anathema to liberty.
The wealthiest EU countries have more of an incentive to leave, since they're being exploited by the poorer countries.
Basic economics.
The EU bosses will NEVER allow the UK to renegotiate. So it's either this deal, or no deal.
The anti-May faction says no deal is better than this deal.
The self-above-country MPs will join the opposition and vote NO to the deal.
That's probably why I'm not an MP.😂
Keyboard warriors throw around talk of violence and death like it's nothing.
At least say "political revolution" or something to show you're not inciting literal violence in another country.
#RuleOfLaw #BackTheBlue

In most cases, it solved nothing, killed millions of innocents, and in indeed made it all worse.
We need more peace, not less of it. #PeaceThroughStrength #RuleOfLaw #Sovereignty
Thatcher, and Churchill, were right and always will be. #NeverSurrender #HardBorder #Freedom