Due to the imminent reckoning that’s approaching, DT needs as many Americans as possible to believe a group of rogue Fed law enforcement agents are manufacturing evidence for purpose of framing him. He’s long been pitching this con. It’s a lie.

A. Collection-facts are located and gathered (facts are like puzzle pieces) *the phase framing someone would likely occur*

B. Analysis- determine quality of puzzle pieces/ toss the rejects that don’t fit
C. Result Production -Completion of the puzzle. When complete - one can see “big picture” of what occurred, including: who, why, when, where, how.

Collection method can be:
-physical surveillance
-phone surveillance
-subpoena data (bank/emails/communications/GPS/travel/credit cards/internet info
-interview witnesses/work tips

Think about it. Any present day attempts at manufacturing electronic data is impossible. Period. #DeepState

-two willing voice doubles, or
-Indie level movie crew. Not happening.
Anyone think Wray, Haspel, Coats,Nakasone would stand for that? Oh hell no. The IC are crime fighters/not crime creators. #DeepState