I don't expose the individuals in this thread for their ideas, but for their direct or indirect links with the owner of the BMW that #Maxime Nicolle, alias #FlyRider, a leader of the #GiletsJaunes, drove in NICE on 02/09/19

This means that anyone can do the same, and check my results by himself.
Several have even fought in Donbas. Some are exposed in the thread below.
Many informations are already available on this topic,
Fly Rider was presented as one of the less politicized of them
We learned it because #FlyRider posted a "smart tweet" to threaten other to share this pic.
Here is the original tweet, now deleted.

But by stupidly revealing the full address and the first letter of the car owner, (#FlyRider) gave enough elements to identify him.

I verified on Google Earth that the place was right(2)
I also found on societe.com that she was named a SCI created in 10/2017 at the same adress (3)

#FlyRider called the guy "JP" (an usual nickname for Jean-Paul) in a live broadcast,
Her friend "stephen.sophie.3" congratulated him on FB for suing the Macron's team.

These dates seem to confirm that FlyRider slept at Vaglio's house on 02/08/19, as written in a commentary in a live broadcast. (Screenshot exists)

It shows that he is (or was) an Ultra from the Nice football team (2)
These guys are well known in France for their violence.

It is very dubious that he was unaware of who Vaglio is when he came to Nice to support him.

Mourguy tried many time to be candidate for the presidential election as an independent ecologist.

Without surprise, he also has links with this party.

Guess what ? Governatori is a famous guy from … NICE !

He has been convicted several times for fraud, including a false signature in 2010 for political purpose.
Recently, Lalanne announced the creation of a Gilets Jaunes list for the next European election
These guys are 30 yrs old friends

Recently, Brigitte Bardot went public to support the Gilets Jaunes.

* Fly Rider drove the BMW of JP Vaglio in NICE,
* Fly Rider spent at least 2 days with him and most probably spent the night in Vaglio's house in Levens
* Fly Rider has 22 people who must have advised him on this trip
* Fly Rider tried to hide their relation
* JP Vaglio directs the Gilets Jaunes community in NICE
* JP Vaglio promotes FN and Marine Le Pen & proudly voted for her
* JP Vaglio is also a member of a group of supporters known for violence
* JP Vaglio campaigned 900 km away from NICE for Alain Mourguy
* Alain Mourguy is a Petainist
* He ran several presidential campaigns, as an ecologist
* He has many links with right-wing French politicians, including Jordan Bardella, a leader of MLP party
* The GJ took his political propositions
* He was in a list in 2015 in NICE
* He also ran with Jean-Marc Governatori who is from... NICE
* He also ran several campaigns as an ecologist
* He has been indicted several times
* He is in the middle of a 30 M€ scandal with the mayor of NICE
* Governatori tried to give 800 K€ to Levavasseur & Chalençon
* Governatori is long-time friend of Francis Lalanne a popular singer in France
* Francis Lalanne came to support the Gilets Jaunes
* Governatori is long-time friend of Brigitte Bardot, close to Le Pen
* Brigitte Bardot came to support the Gilets Jaunes
He still promotes the Front National and Marine Le Pen.
He publicly regrets not to be able to guillotine someone who doesn't share his view
It took me a second on Facebook to understand who Vaglio is, and a couple of minutes to discover that he did politics with a far-right party a few years.
In NICE, it is quite obvious now.
It is also important to clear the role of JM Governatori is this movement.
How can you follow a guy who has a portrait of Marechal Petain on his Facebook profile ?
Journalists must get answers.
How can we accept that :
* the leader of the RN European campaign is friend with this guy ?
* Dupont-Aignan who asked to vote for MLP against Macron put this guy on his list ?
* so many high-ranking LR +a senator are friends with him?
We, French people, need explanations !
I still find on very regular basis new Russian settlements, advanced equipments or infractions to the Minsk agreement