Day 744 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 532 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect Mar 26, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

There have been 61 mass shootings in 22 different U.S. states (and Washington, D.C.) in the 77 completed days of 2019.
A permitted gun owner was eating breakfast at a South Carolina restaurant last weekend when his loaded pistol fell out of his sweatpants pocket and shot another customer.
He won’t be charged because being an idiot isn’t a crime, apparently.…
America has now over 300 unintentional (real-time count at 306) shootings so far this year — an approximate average of 4 each day.…
Federal judge rules Trump transgender military ban still can't take effect
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents:
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Thousands more kids may have been separated from their parents at the border under the Trump administration than was previously thought, according to an internal government report.
The federal government is relying on secret shelters to hold unaccompanied minors, in possible violation of the long-standing rules for the care of immigrant children, a Reveal investigation has found.…
SCOTUS endorsed US government authority to detain immigrants awaiting deportation anytime - potentially even years - after they've completed prison terms for criminal convictions, handing Trump a victory as he pursues hardline immigration policies.
Trump administration officials are privately bracing for North Korea's next move
Partially redacted search warrant materials pertaining to the raid on Michael Cohen’s home, office and hotel room have just been released.
There are hundreds of pages that have been released, per @KaraScannell
Released docs show the FBI was investigating Michael Cohen for nearly a year before agents raided his home and office.
The search warrant shows the federal inquiry into Cohen had been going on since July 2017 — far longer than previously known.…
In the Cohen documents, pages 38-57, where prosecutors discuss the “illegal campaign contribution scheme” - of which Trump allegedly played a central role - is completely redacted, suggesting the SDNY investigation continues.
Mueller team was allowed by a federal judge to review years of Michael Cohen's emails and other online data from the time he worked under Donald Trump, according to newly unsealed warrants used in his case in Manhattan federal court, per @kpolantz
What's in the latest Cohen document dump? Follow along here w/ @kpolantz @KaraScannell @eorden…
Trump hotel emoluments case is at federal appeals court as he asks for it to be thrown out
Eric Swalwell: "I do believe there are indictments waiting for this president."…
Day 33 since Trump declared a national emergency in response to a manufactured crisis to seize power and subvert the Constitution.
"I didn't need to do this"
Trump was joined by sheriffs with ties to anti-immigrant hate group FAIR last Friday as he vetoed legislation overturning his declaration of a national emergency & denied a rise in white nationalism following the massacre at a mosque in New Zealand.
House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler wrote to the White House last month demanding information about Trump’s declaration of a national emergency.
Yet Nadler’s Feb. 22 deadline came and went with no response - not even a letter back.
Trump Admin finally releases its list of at-risk #milcon projects that could be put on the chopping block in order to divert billions to pay for Trump’s border wall. Take a look - military bases in your state could be negatively impacted.…
Trump promised 3% growth. His economists just quietly admitted it's not happening.…
The cost of buying, equipping, and preparing the two Boeing 747s that will become the next Air Force One aircraft is now pegged at $5,300,000,000, nearly one-third more than the figure routinely touted by the White House.…
Trump exaggerated his net worth by over $2 billion to get loans from Deutsche Bank: report
Trump sold an NYC condo for $2.9M to a mysterious buyer on March 8, in a previously unreported deal laid out in public docs, according to Forbes.
Officially, the buyer was an LLC, which can be used to shield the IDs of people purchasing real…
The nation's payday lenders are at Trump National Doral Miami today playing golf.
It costs $450 per round. They can afford it.
Trump just gutted basic borrower protections imposed by Obama. The change is worth $7B annually to payday lenders.
His acting Chief-of-Staff Mulvaney is a great friend of payday lenders. He wants to gut rules that help consumers.
It's all very cozy.…
White House set to ditch Mulvaney's "acting" status via @nancook -
Mulvaney soon to be rewarded for being a Trump lackey.…
U.S. farm groups want Trump to quickly launch trade talks with Tokyo, as they face mounting evidence of lost sales and market share in Japan thanks to Trump's withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Withdrawing from the TPP has consequences!…
Indicted Oligarch Dmytro Firtash Praises Paul Manafort, Says Trump Has Third-Grade Smarts…
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the Mueller investigation, is planning to stay on at the Justice Department "a little longer" than originally anticipated, a DOJ official told CNN.…
Bharara says believes that Rod Rosenstein was not joking about possibly recording Trump.
He said he considered recording Trump because he cared about his integrity and wanted to have his version of events after "seeing someone tell untruths."…
One of Mueller's prosecutors has told a federal judge that he and his co-counsel "face the press of other work" and would like a deadline extension this week in response to a request to unseal court docs in Manafort's now-wrapped case.…
WH misses House Judiciary deadline to turn over docs as part of Nadler probe, and some former officials, including McGahn and Donaldson, are referring inquiries to WH. GOP says just 8 witnesses have provided docs; Dems say that's incomplete. Latest:…
The House Judiciary has received 8,195 pages from eight people/entities relating to Trump as of Tuesday morning, Politico reports. The vast majority was provided by Steve Bannon (2,688 pages); Tom Barrack (3,349 pages); and the NRA (1,466 pages).…
As Trump tweets again that the news media is "the absolute Enemy of the People," remember that not too long ago explosive devices were mailed to a news organization that Trump regularly attacks online and in speeches.
Trump calls the husband of his senior adviser a “total loser,” ensuring she will be asked about this now by reporters
Here is a letter Trump sent George Conway in 2006, praising his skills as a trial lawyer and his voice and thanking him in a condo board dispute. "What I was most impressed with was how quickly you were able to comprehend a very bad situation."…
Extraordinary -- George Conway details his private conversations with Trump to @jdawsey1, including Trump asking him about firing Preet Bharara and seeking his advice on lawyers to hire for Mueller probe…
Trump continues to attack John McCain nearly seven months after his death.
"I was never a fan of John McCain and I never will be."
Bolsonaro in the Rose Garden: "Brazil and the United States stand side by side...against fake news."
Another wannabe dictator who spouts, "fake news" playing to Trump's ego.
The State Department barred the press corps from a Mike Pompeo briefing with "faith-based media" outlets and won't release list of attendees.…
Betsy DeVos blurs the lines between church and state by promoting plan to hand over billions in federal tax credits for private, religious, and home schooling…
Trump admin has lost in court at least 63 times. In case after case, judges rebuked Trump officials for failing to follow basic rules of governance for shifting policy, including providing legitimate explanations supported by facts & public input.…
Leaders of Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Bahamas, Dominican Republic will meet with Trump on Friday at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, White House says.
Reminder: Every dollar spent by a foreign government at a Trump owned property violates the emolument clause.
Every president since Nixon has voluntarily given their tax returns. Trump hasn’t.
There’s a reason for that, he has a lot to hide.
In case you missed yesterday's thread: