Day 746 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 534 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect Mar 26, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

A federal ban on bump stocks takes effect next Tuesday, and a Washington State buyback program has taken in more than than 500 in its first 2 days.
But there are about 500,000 bump stocks in the U.S.
Real-time U.S gun violence data as of March 21st:
•2,983 gun deaths
•5,164 gun injuries
•112 children shot
•488 teenagers shot
•376 armed home invasions
•260 incidents of defensive gun use
•315 unintentional shootings
•62 mass shootings
Another domestic disturbance turned deadly with a gun.
Nine American women are shot and killed by their intimate partners every single week. @MomsDemand #enough…
Country singer Justin Carter was shot to death in Texas with a gun that was being used as a prop for a music video.
We're at the point where teachers in America, who signed up for a job to teach kids things like math and history, are being led into rooms and shot execution style with pellet guns as preparation for an actual school shooting.…
Update: Less than a week after a gunman opened fire on two mosques in New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the country's plans to ban military style semi-automatic weapons like those used in the attacks.
DoubleTree hotel fires two employees after they posted sign refusing service to military members
Eric Swalwell on Hope Hicks: "She also told me when I interviewed her that she had told lies for [Trump], and when I asked her what she had lied about, she refused to testify. And then the Republicans did not force her to actually give us an answer." @MSNBC
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents:
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Thousands more kids may have been separated from their parents at the border under the Trump administration than was previously thought, according to an internal government report.
Gen. Dunford on North Korea: "My job is to be the glass half empty guy...I see that Kim Jong Un still has ballistic missile capability, I see that Kim Jong Un still has nuclear capability, I still see a potential although as yet un-demonstrated the ability..."
Treasury Dept targets two Chinese shipping firms that allegedly helped North Korea evade sanctions
North Korea says it would rather "starve or freeze to death" than give in as the U.S. gets tough
Hillary Clinton had to sit down with @FBI & prosecutors for lengthy interview to resolve mishandling classified info investigation. FBI needed to interview her before ending investigation. It appears Mueller probe will end w/o FBI questioning Trump.…
Richard Blumenthal to @MSNBC: "There are indictments in this president's future. They're coming. Whether they're after his presidency or during it."
If only Pence had this same outrage over the brutal murder and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi
Day 35 since Trump declared a national emergency in response to a manufactured crisis to seize power and subvert the Constitution.
"I didn't need to do this"
The Marines has warned the Pentagon that deployments to the border and funding transfers under Trump's emergency declaration, among other unexpected demands, have posed "unacceptable risk to Marine Corps combat readiness and solvency."…
Two new reports confirm:
* Trump's wall would do nothing about asylum-seeking families, which is *the* justification for his national emergency
* Military officials objected to diverting resources to the border…
Razor wire on border fencing installed by Trump being stolen for home security use in Mexico
Mexico: We are going to secure our homes with razor wire and America's going to pay for it!
According to the Washington National Cathedral, this is false: "Only a state funeral for a former president involves consultation with government officials.
No funeral at the Cathedral requires the approval of [Trump].” #TrumpLies
Here’s the video. John McCain 2008 campaign mananger, Rick Davis, spoke on behalf of Cindy McCain and family in August. He thanked many including the White House for federal resources devoted to the funeral. Trump claims he didn’t get a thank you.
Trump claims to Maria Bartiromo that he merely was answering questions about McCain. In fact, he inserted McCain in his tweetstorm on Sunday.
No one had asked. #TrumpLies

Republicans privately say there's little upside to speaking up against Trump in McCain dispute. Some up for reelect like Gardner and Tillis didn't respond to requests for comment, while others offered muted responses, hoping it will pass.…
Trump's personal businesses have charged his reelection campaign $1.3 million for food, rent and other services since he took office, effectively transferring campaign contributions into Trump's own pockets.
So much for Trump "working" for free. 🙄…
The White House has rejected congressional Democrats' demands for documents relating to Trump's private discussions with Vladimir Putin, according to Politico.…
Reminder: When the Nixon White House refused the House Judiciary Committee documents, it was voted an impeachable offense.
The House Intelligence Committee has scheduled a hearing for next week called "Putin's Playbook: The Kremlin’s Use of Oligarchs, Money and Intelligence in 2016 and Beyond".
The House Intelligence Committee has officially announced a public hearing with Felix Sater on March 27 "about his business ventures with the Trump Organization and the potential Trump Tower Moscow deal."
The House Oversight Cmte told the WH today that it has obtained evidence that White House officials—including Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Steve Bannon and K.T. McFarland—used private email accounts or messaging apps to conduct official business.…
In letter to WH, Rep. Cummings reveals that KUSHNER was routinely using WhatsApp to conduct official business as recently as Dec. 2018. Kushner's lawyer told lawmakers he screenshots messages to preserve them.
Cummings wants details by April 4.…
The weird thing about these stories about Trump admin officials breaking the law by using encrypted messaging apps is that every reporter has known about it from the beginning.
They communicate with them on Signal.…
Cummings also said that Ivanka Trump "continues to receive emails relating to official business on her personal email account and that she does not forward," in potential violation of Presidential Records Act
You don't need to speculate about what's in the Mueller report. Rod Rosenstein has already given us a road-map. Bottom Line: Do not expect a harsh condemnation of Trump or any of his associates who have not been charged with crimes…
In a policy reversal, the Trump administration has given tacit approval to Taiwan’s request to buy more than 60 F-16 fighter jets, sources say…
Obama in 2011 rejected request from Taiwan for US fighter jets—due to concern about antagonizing China—but Trump wants to go for it.
It’s a policy reversal likely to provoke China.…
Crown Prince and Princess of Serbia at Mar-a-Lago? Getting pretty emolument-y.…
Trump said that the U.S. should recognize Israel’s authority over the Golan Heights, in a major shift of decades-long American policy
Pence is systematically courting 2016 anti-Trump mega-donors
The goal: Fund a $1 billion 2020 reelection campaign…
For those who doubt that #climatechange is a national security issue:
The left hand side is Pres. Bush, on 9/11, secured and giving orders from Offutt Air Base (a key strategic command).
The right side is Offutt Air Base this week.

#MAGA bomber who sent explosives to CNN and Trump critics pleads guilty.
Every president since Nixon has voluntarily given their tax returns. Trump hasn’t.
There’s a reason for that, he has a lot to hide.
Democratic Rep. Bill Pascrell, a member of Ways and Means Committee, says that accessing Trump's business and personal tax returns is essential to determining the "extent of any crimes" he may have committed, and "how far his conflicts go."…
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials are defending the decision to detain a 9-year-old girl who officers said provided inconsistent information during her inspection.
She's a U.S. Citizen!