1) Get a Fμ©KING CLUE Dem #BlueWave folks: We are PROGRESSIVES
If you have Questions about what that means in practice, please see my pinned.
We DO NOT operate on your #CultOfPersonality crap.
Full Stop
Y'ALL think because you choose 2 make excuses we should as well
It doesn't work that way w Progressives
That's what the #NotMeUs means. This ain't about BERNIE (much as we like him generally) it's about #PolicyForPeople and whoever is carrying that standard will have our support
The second they quit.. 😳😷😷😷
Don't even care who they rub fuzzy bits with.
#Fuckless! 109%
Yea, Obama was erudite and we'll spoken but he screwed ordinary folks over 9 ways from Sunday like a Fundie on Monday.
They LIE to us constantly. They say one thing to get in and the do a 180 the second they sit down.
No. More.
Over it.
This is also why we use litmus tests like #MedicareForAll #FreeCollegeForAll
NO #Wars4Profit
These are our moral positions. They are the standard rather than excuses.
We're DONE playing #LesserEevil and constantly getting naught but MORE Fμ©KING EEVIL.
No more. Not one inch more down that Evil road. We are reversing course and walking away from evil completely. Regular evil or #LesserEevil IS STILL GIVING US EVIL.
My outrage is with this oligarchy rigged & fake division society which keeps them in power no matter what
No. Don't even.
Then I ask u #QuiBonoBonzo &U MAD
Y'all don't. Y'all are A Okay with making up crap "excuses" like '90s Catholic Bishops for what is empirically BAD & EVIL BEHAVIOR.
We don't play that ish.
What you DID and who profited from or got screwed over by matter more than anything else about you.
It's simple.
If you want our votes you must have a history of actions serving ordinary folks
Without that you get nothing from a Progressive.
What WE see is a guy ("nice" or not doesn't matter) who ACTED to wreck our society with #Wars4Profit #Prison4Profit #WarOnDrugs, & #2Big2Fail instead of the #RICOTheBastards we NEEDED.
That's the problem. You CAN'T OR WON'T look at what they do without coloring it all roses and puppies, while it's really turds and shit house rats.
That's all it takes.
Give us @NinaTurner or @IlhanMN calling out a #BribedToTreason Congress.