
So what can @theresa_may say today that she couldn't say yesterday? Not a lot. "We're having some more useless talks tomorrow." /2
- are you prepared to be in a Customs Union with the EU?
- if we gave you a long extension, what would you use it for?
That's trouble. /3
But if Macron makes it an issue of unity (a word he used on the way in) then Merkely will put avoiding a Franco-German split over any consideration of dates /4
It just makes a mockery of EU elections - which she is open about not wanting to hold. /5
If EU 27 don't want to risk a 'no deal' on eve of European polls, (May 22) then the short extension date comes forward. /6
Macron has consistently had a larger risk appetite for 'no deal' - French believe UK will quickly come to heal. /7
Or faced with a real hard deadline, would UK do the deal, revoke OR make real choices about future. /8
He says he will entertain a long extension for elections, referendums or a sincere engagment with a different Brexit.
Just not for a fudge. /9
But there was no Franco-German deal before hand.
And as per earlier tweet, France were "hanging tough", per source. /10