“REMAINER COWARD!” Came the reply.
“Liar! Liar! She is just a disgusting liar“ says another.

“Because we’re patriots.”
Are members of other parties, not patriots I reply.
“No, they’re not.” Cue cheers from the crowd.
“NO!” Screams the crowd
“If we have May’s deal, will we have left?”
“NO!” Screams the crowd.
The idea that if May and Corbyn put a deal together this stops and Westminster can “move on” is completely delusional.

“They’re terrified!” Shouts a man in the crowd.
“The truth is, they think they’re better than us”, Fox goes on.
“Lock her up!” a few in the crowd shouts back.
One man goes further: “both of them should be prosecuted, especially May.”
“Shoot them!” one man says.
You really get the feeling that even if a deal is passed, this is the beginning of something, not the end.