Updated #Democrats 2020 Pres. Primary Candidates & Delegates Map begun mid-Mar. Now 23 candidates. So many candidates from higher pledged del. states is attempt to dilute 1st round majority vote (50%+1), forcing 2nd rnd, bringing Automatic del (not so supers) back into play.

August 2018, @DNC voted (as a concession to #Progressives ) to remove not-so-super automatic delegates, but only for 1st rnd voting. A real reform would have removed them entirely - hence the flood of Dem. candidates - an end run around to concession.

Since the 1982 Hunt Commission creation of not-so-super automatic delegates to prevent #Progressives from being elected, graphic ⬇️ shows how many candidates ran each election vs no. that withdrew before #DNC Convention.

Remaining high pledged delegate states (without declared homeboy candidate to dilute 1st rnd majority vote) 100 or above are Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, & Pennsylvania. See post 10 below about PA and Biden.
1982 Hunt Commission created Automatic delegates (not so "super" delegates, they like elitist view) specifically to keep #Progressives from winning #Democrat Primary. Automatic delegate votes are not democratic, do not represent the people.
There is a war against #Progressives, rules put into place to prevent a Progressive, Of the People, By the People, For the People platform from taking office again. We have to fight that much harder for the #NewDeal, #CivilRights, #EconomicJustice, #SocialJustice we deserve.

Former FBI Dep Asst Dir Terry Turchie (2000-2001) - "When I first got into the FBI (almost 29 yrs) one of missions of the FBI in its counterintelligence efforts was to try to keep PROGRESSIVES and Socialists out of government."
In 60s, activists across US, esp. #Progressive PoC leaders, incl MLK & Malcolm X, both of which were espousing Democratic socialism/socialism in their latter days, were assassinated & murdered setting #EconomicJustice & #SocialJustice mvmt backwards. We can regain revolution.

@jacobinmag article from last year, Democratic #Socialism Is About Democracy, what a #Progressive #Democracy looks like, with an informed electorate.
Biden is from small delegate state, DE (17), but is a native from connecting Pennsylvania, which is a high pledged delegate state - 153. He held his 1st public event there. "Scranton-born Biden signaled heavy PA focus. He will hold rally in Pittsburgh Mon."
Latest candidate to enter #DemPrimaryPacking is MT Gov. Bullock. "Realistically, Bullock’s run is all about IA, & it is place he has so far invested in...will barely campaign elsewhere over next 10 months + NH, NV." Utilizing Hillary Clinton staff.
@patrickcook28 @philosophrob @DanRadzikowski @DefyMasters @MyaNikitaEtc @JamesMArcher @jo_avg @BS_Whistler @novenator @coto29 @genofthesea @LeftwardSwing @SpittingBack @SavageJoyMarie1
@scapelliti @Clarknt67 @FaKnickerbocker @NYforSanders @WinningWordsPro @HanxFingers @RedBeretsM4All @People4Bernie @4everquestion @TheWayWithAnoa @fingerbleeder @bern_identity @skau61 @mplspat
Concerning pledged delegates if candidate withdraws after caucus or primary, b4 Convention:
Voting obligation laws vary by State, some become unbound or reallocated.
Summary of delegate binding laws table (2016, not up to date, scroll down for table)
DNC 2020 Delegate rules, pg. 14 Rule 12 J pic ⬇️
DNC's only delegate requirement, "Delegates elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all GOOD CONSCIENCE reflect the sentiments of those who elected them."

@The_Acumen @jvgraz @Balancement @BWilliamsMont @PaulDeCristofo4 @GeoffMiami @rcooley123 @caitoz @VertDuFerk @dawnsaffron @TaoDaoMan @EIWBM_Cat @eshaLegal @Ellahbie @WestCoastGadfly @ryangrim
@grumpybirdieS @ShaunHensleyCA @BethLynch2020 @AlkatzThe @K810Mt @proviewsusa @LostDiva @Libertea2012 @SilERabbit @QueenInYeIIow @philosophrob @RedTRaccoon @ThomasIsOnline @TweetingYarnie
Instead of weaker candidates dropping out, we have more dogpiling on. Here's latest updated #DNCFuckery map, incl. hedge fund mgr, Tom Steyer- CA.
That now makes 4 candidates from high delegate state - 416 delegates➗4 candidates. TX 228➗2, NY 224➗2 - see a pattern?

Looking up some election deadline info, I stumbled on another #Dem filed, higher delegate state - PA - Joe Sestak, he announced weeks ago, never heard. Apparently, Biden not strong enough to carry PA.
Leaves only IL, OH, MI @ 100+ del.