Her “crime”?
Docking in Lampedusa, in order to disembark 42 men, women & children who had fled from Libya & had been stranded in the Mediterranean for 17 days.

Italian law.
Lampedusa was the closest safe port.
5 EU countries had agreed to take the people on board.
They'd been at sea for 17 days.
Libya is not a safe country. apnews.com/43eb47c8ce6b49…
Last year, ports were closed to NGO rescue vessels & this month, a new bill on security & immigration - dubbed the “Salvini Decree” after @matteosalvinimi - was adopted.
It removes the category of ‘humanitarian protection’ for migrants deemed ineligible for refugee status & allows NGO ships to be confiscated indefinitely & NGOs to be fined. aljazeera.com/news/2019/06/l…
Tmw, solidarity actions in support of #CarolaRackete will be held in Palermo, Naples & Pescara.
This week, Italy’s parliament debates whether to turn the Salvini Decree into law.

Earlier this month, #PiaKlemp, captain of NGO ship Luventa was charged with human trafficking & faces 20 years in jail in Italy.
The public have donated more than 1m Euros. You can donate here:
It's vital that those calling to #FreeCarolaRackete also demand the release of thousands of people confined in horrific camps in #Libya.

Still awaiting a decision in #CarolaRackete #SeaWatch case. threadreaderapp.com/thread/1145729…
Some trolls are even making up far-fetched smears against her & #SeaWatch3 & photo-shopping images! #FreeCarola

She is free!