I understand that industry was briefed in full yesterday. I'm told the response from industry has been very positive.
Provided industry takes the advice, one ship is plenty....

The latest impression I'm getting is that this plan is pretty much merging with the American plan 'Op Sentinel'.
It's important to get everyone on the same page.
We've hardly discussed UNCLOS, the right to freedom of navigation, Iran trying to shift the precedent etc.
The focus instead has been almost entirely on defence spending.
But I'm not sure this particular crisis is a valid reason as to why.
Hear me out :)
Even with more defence spending. Even without *insert your scapegoat of choice* cuts. It would be wrong to just send more ships to the region.
We'd be changing the precedent in a deeply irresponsible way.
And simply having more ships right now would not make the situation any better.
That's plenty.
Yes the surface fleet is too small.
But the situation in Hormuz isn't why it's too small.