The Habit
By @DickieArmour
A crime thriller
It was a clichéd habit.
He liked drugs & girls.
He was a monster too.
#CrimeFiction #fiction #crimethriller #thriller #mystery #writing #TheHabit…

A broker in The City.
Son of a famous F1 driver.
Best mates with a senior policeman.
Too many to name them.
Young women raped.
They were in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
That place should have been somewhere safe.
The back of a black, London taxi
City Dealing Rooms
Inside a police investigation
Lap dancing clubs
Bars, restaurants & hotels
The British Grand Prix
London Taxis
This fast moving financial thriller based around City dealing rooms, bars and clubs, takes you on a hunt for a serial rapist who attacks his prey in a London Taxi.
Roger Hamilton is a bond broker at Kaplan Stewart International where he runs the UK GILT desk.
His best friend is Detective Sergeant Frank Henson who is investigating a series of rape cases in West London.
They socialise, drinking in many of London's trendy bars & clubs.
Frank discovers the rapes are linked & he begins the search for one of London's most prolific serial rapists of all time.
He soon realises that the prime suspect is a London Taxi driver when three of the victims are raped in the back of one of London's famous black taxis.
Roger is drawn into the fray when his sister, Penelope is brutally raped by her taxi driver whilst travelling home from Paddington Station.
The rapist has an uncanny way of keeping a step ahead of the police and is determined to become the most famous serial rapist ever by beating Dan Crosby's record.
Can Frank and Roger catch the perpetrator before more innocent victims are scared for life?
As their hunt brings them closer to their prey, neither of them can imagine the horrific truth they are about to discover.
Get your #Kindle copy on Amazon today.
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