Family barrister says there is a factual dispute at the heart of this case, which is within the coronors purview.
Family are concerned the GOSH complaint response had items removed from it that Dr Playfor identified them.
Coroner reads from Leigh Allan (Amy’s mum)’s witness statement.
Describes the decision taken by the doctors to give her surgery last year at GOSH to correct spinal curvature as GOSH had an on-site emergency care set up, which might help if her heart condition caused complications during/after surgery.
Amy went to a normal school where she took part in all classes, inclduing PE. She was “never going to win awards for the 100m but she did it.” Amy also loved
loved netball, ice-skating and swimming.
Mrs Allan learned on the day of her operation Amy had been nominated for a Young Volunteer of the Year Award. It has since been named after her.
Harris: yes - it’s very rare spinal surgery is mandated - there’s always an element of choice based on various factors.
Mr Harris said at this meeting a smaller-scale operation was proposed (operating just on Amy’s back).
Coroner: was the risk profile reassessed?
MH: Only that it would be reduced.
Coroner: by how much?
Then there was a consent meeting between consultant and Amy’s parents at which the surgery proposal was outlined.
Surgery went ahead and went well. MH says it was seamless, relatively low blood loss and very stable under anaesthetic.
Coroner: any problems with this?
MH: No
Coroner: was this a long or short op?
MH in terms of a two consultant op, this was completely standard.
MH: no
Amy was the only op that day.
Coroner: then what?
MH: at the end of the op there’s a formal process of signing out. we discuss what happened, any problems there may have been and care going forward in general...
MH: the plan was for A to go to the paediatric intensive care unit, as agreed at the multi-disciplinary meeting.
After the sign out I went to speak to the parents and told them we thought things had gone v well and she was going to the paediatric intensive care unit.
Coroner: did you have any concerns - did she look okay.
MH: she looked fine and I had no concerns.
Ramsay: so reason amy was being op’d at GOSH was because of the availability of ECMO.
MH: yes
R: otherwise the surgery could have been performed in Edinburgh
MH: yes
MH: she could have
R: but she wasn’t at any stage pre-opped by the ECMO team
MH no
R: so you had advice from cardiology, but no ECMO. Do you think that...
MH: yes
R: why
MH: because they could have given her a scan, looked at the anatomy of her neck and given me information and fed it back into the meeting.
R: is that an ultrasound scan?
MH: yes
R: given that the only reason the surgery was being performed at GOSH, there should have been a pre-op assessment by GOSH to see if she was suitable for the op or not?
MH: yes there should have been an ECMO pre-op...
R: so when you had your consent meeting you were proceeding on incomplete info
MH: not sure, because I am not sure whether the scan would have shown Amy’s neck was normal.
R: but how can informed consent be obtained in this case if the very thing that...
MH: I think the scan should have taken place, but I don’t know it would have changed things.
R: why say then that even if she had had an ECMO pre-op it would have led to a decision that the surgery was safe?
R: that’s after the event.
MH: yes
R: can you comment on whether she was stable when you saw her last?
MH: I think that’s outwith...
[sorry, stable enough to be extubated - extubated means the removal of a breathing tube after an op to allow natural breathing]
R pushes MH about this. MH says from the information he requested and was given he was satisfied she was okay.
MH did not enquire when she started deteriorating and was not surprised she hadn’t already been put on it.
R: why? or why not?
MH: omitted by accident - no reason...
R: when you were told she was going to be placed on ECMO you weren’t told how long the deterioration had gone on for.
R: assuming she was extubated around 11.30pm and deteriorated shortly afterewards and you were told at 6am she was going to be put on ECMO were you surprised she was not already receiving it.
MH: outwith my expertise. expect she would benefit from getting it asap.
MH: no
R reveals GOSH Feb 2019 in which it is flagged that had Amy been pre-opped by ECMO she would not have been...
R: has he seen this email?
MH: no, nor have I heard of it.
[MH now being questioned by GOSH barrister]
GOSH: what was Amy’s condition
MH: spine curving significantly.
GOSH: what if she weren’t operated on
MH: it would have progressed...
GOSH: would she have lost the ability to...
MH: can’t say that for sure, but given she was already by that stage using a wheelchair
[parents intervene to say she never had a wheelchair]
MH: that’s my misremembering of the situation, then. I thought she ws in a chair.
GOSH: how did she feel about her condition.
Dr Jonathan Smith from GOSH called.
Coroner is questioning Dr Smith on Amy’s conditions - says they’d never seen the two pathologies presented before in the context of spinal surgery which is why we thought risk were very high.
JS: yes, because the decision not to go into the chest - just the back, reduced the risk
Coroner: by how much
JS: can’t put a number on it, but enough for us to offer the surgery.
JS: we thought the heart function remained pretty good throughout surgery, there was a short moment when the heart started a different rhythm due to lowering blood pressure, but we were able to rectify that in 60seconds.
JS: she should be pain-free, warm, cv stable, wound stopped bleeding etc
Coroner: what other instructions?
JS: we don’t hand over a huge amount of instructions - they are experts in their field [in paediatric in intensive care]
we asked for an echo examination of the heart and we were very happy with the function of the heart. It was normal.
"Coroner: so there was nothing which happened during the op which led to an irregularly functioning heart thereafter?
JS: no"
JS: first time I’ve ever seen it for elective surgery
Cor: did anyone mention this? was there any discussion about it because it was so unusual?
JS: no
"The ECMO machine is similar to the heart-lung bypass machine used for open heart surgery.... membrane oxygenator is a piece of equipment which delivers oxygen into the child’s blood."…
JS: I wanted to see the consultant on the ward at 4.20pm to make sure Amy was okay
Cor: so there was consultant/consultant handover?
JS: yes. physiologically she was stable, but her heart...
[JS wanted to make sure that the people he dealt with and spoke to were aware of her case]
Cor: was there a clear plan put in place before the team could proceed to extubation. were there mandatory requirements.
JS an echo would have been nice...
Cor: it wasn’t a plan you made - and you weren’t mandating requirements.
JS; no I’m not an intensive care expert I’m an anaesthetist. I had suggestions - an echo scan, get the cardiology team to see
Cor: do anaesthetists sit at the bedside during extubation
JS: sometimes
Cor: could that have been a consideration in this case
JS: it could have but I’m not sure what it would have added.
[Coroner has finished, Mr Ramsay, family...
R: is it fair to say that Amy should not have been extubated when she was.
JS: we discussed this as a team. Initially I was surprised at the time of the extubation and I came to the conclusion that decisions were made that Amy was awake and pretty...
[asking about the decision to send Amy to Paediatric intensive care rather than Cardiac intensive care where ECMO was available. takes him to an email released under...
R notes that the decision to take Amy to paediatric intensive care was a decision taken because cardiology said she didn’t need to be in their intensive care, even tho it was reqested.
R: is it right ECMO didn’t even know about Amy until AFTER she deteriorted aft the op.
JS: that’s my understanding
R: given the whole reason...
JS; no I can’t.
R: do you defer to the PCU specialist as to whether extubation should have happened when it did?
JS: initially I disagreed, but I also accept they
[R takes him to an email written by JS’s anaesthetist colleague 14 Nov 2018 to the complaints team]
R asks if he agreed with the email...
JS: yes.
Cor: has your view changed.
JS: stepping back and looking at it in the round he can see how complex it is
Cor: but do you still agree with that email?
JS: yes.
JS: yes there was a phrase “early extubation” which was being confused with “extubation when ready"
R: and you end…
Cor: well we know how it ends and it is a long list so could you be a bit more specific in how you ask the questions...