Sept 3, 2019
RE @CBCNews & @KaleighRogers
Proof of correction:
On the same day, the UK Ministry of Justice unequivocally denied the CBC narrative, saying "This story is categorically untrue"…
Sept 4, 2019
Shared by @PostmediaNews editor, @anthonyfurey
Despite swift & thorough denial from govt officials, this debunked narrative about 'Palestinian immigrants' remains posted on social media
Sept 4, 2019
RE @PostmediaNews & @anthonyfurey
Proof of correction:
On same day, Postmedia itself had to publish the Ministry of Immigration's request to rescind this completely false disinformation…
RE @PostmediaNews & @anthonyfurey
Postmedia circulated propaganda from a single rep of Hamas, that is classified as a terrorist organization. No govt officials were interviewed & Furey didn't delete his disinfo
Sept 3, 2019
By @CBCPolitics & @cattunneycbc
CBC rushed to print that '14 NDP candidates defect to Green Party' without interviewing any of the purported signatories on this list. Only 6 attended event
Sept 4, 2019
RE @CBCPolitics & @cattunneycbc
Proof of correction:
The @NDP emailed candidates to decry the misinformation, saying they interviewed purported defectors & many were fraudulently cited
RE @CBCPolitics & @cattunneycbc
CBC failed its due diligence & didn't seek comment from the 14 purported defectors before they published damaging hearsay from a disgruntled 3rd party that was again a single source
Sept 3, 2019
By @PnPCBC, @VassyKapelos & @alexboulerice
CBC & @NDP further inflamed the '14 defectors' story by rushing to TV based on hearsay, prior to confirming it with any purported signatories
Sept 4, 2019
RE @PnPCBC, @VassyKapelos & @alexboulerice
Proof of correction:
@NDP emailed candidates to explain when they spoke with purported defectors, some of them were fraudulently misrepresented
RE @PnPCBC, @VassyKapelos & @alexboulerice
CBC & @NDP both failed their due diligence & neglected to confirm any of the 14 sources before breaking & responding to this misinformation, resulting in voter confusion
Sept 3, 2019
By @globalnews & @AlexanderQuon
Global News also ran the '14 defectors' story without confirming any purported signatories. Instead they sought a Green Party exec to speak on behalf of NDP
Sept 4, 2019
RE @globalnews & @AlexanderQuon
Proof of correction:
Again, @NDP emailed federal candidates to explain when it spoke with some of the 14 purported defectors that many were misrepresented
RE @globalnews & @AlexanderQuon
Global News failed its due diligence by publishing hearsay about NDP candidates. A disgruntled 3rd party was original source & inappropriate 3rd party was used to falsely confirm
Sept 5, 2019
By @globalnews, @davidakin & @abacusdataca
Global News shared an election poll that is absolute disinformation. Online polls aren't statistically valid or accepted by scientific community
Sept 28, 2016
RE @globalnews, @davidakin & @abacusdataca
Proof of correction:
Since 2016 the scientific community has desperately tried to educate journos & the public that online polls are propaganda…
RE @globalnews, @davidakin & @abacusdataca
Any news media citing online polls is failing journalism ethics. At best they're entertainment & at worst, partisan ads
Really, ask a scientist!…
Sept 5, 2019
By @TorontoStar, @maywarren11 & @CPC_HQ
Toronto Star & Conservative Party continue to misrepresent the 'SNC Lavalin scandal' by failing to research the facts & asserting a false narrative
March 25, 2019
RE @TorontoStar, @maywarren11 & @CPC_HQ
Proof of correction:
Although it was deleted, web archives preserve copies of the SNC Lavalin statement that admitted threatening 9,000 jobs

RE @TorontoStar, @maywarren11 & @CPC_HQ
Toronto Star & CPC both failed their due diligence to discover & verify SNC Lavalin's public statement. Searching social media or the SNC website debunks this disinformation