Large assessment of 1,400 patient/family reports examining patient/family experiences and safety concerns related to visit notes.
Most common concerns:
✔️Description of symptoms
✔️Health problems… #ptsafety #opennotes

"About 1/4 of 😷/👨👩👦👦 using an online reporting system identified potential documentation inaccuracies in visit notes, of which more than half were considered 'important' by 😷/👨👩👦👦 AND 👩⚕️🏥."
👏 to @fcbourgeois and team.
#ptsafety #opennotes
"... highlights the possibility... clinicians & patients/families may further enhance the ability to effectively capture potential safety issues."
As #HealthIT transparency grows, orgs need ways to capture & respond to patient feedback about EHR errors.
♥️ Some respondents expressed "appreciation for having opportunity to provide feedback" and "personal benefit from reading clinic notes."
♥️ 50%+ volunteered positive feedback about their clinicians.
#opennotes #hcldr