👉🏿 “not interested in any of the above” has to be an option included on the ballot & counted
👉🏿 in mandatory voting paid days (non-work)
👉🏿 electing the PM should be its own separate vote from voting for each local Representative
#CDNpoli #elxn43
👉🏿 where Parties are involved- that Parties sign legally binding agreements about their commitments and if in breach of contract they can be removed AND/or they’re exempt from running in the next election year.
#CDNpoli #elxn43
#CDNpoli #elxn43
#CDNpoli #elxn43
This removes money-owned-media’s control over the narrative.
We fund and use Libraries to accomplish these goals.
#CDNpoli #elxn43
Indigenous Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
LGTB2SQ+ Lives Matter
Gender equality matters
Environmental justice matters
#CDNpoli #elxn43
#CDNpoli #elxn43