Big love also to @MicheleSpecht, @MichellMcC73, @karaedwards, @jessiepridemore, and everyone else who played a part in this.
(r/anime does not allow posts about stuff like this, nor does r/dbz, and r/funimation is relatively small)

(not sure I believe this, but even with the benefit of the doubt, it's not a good look)

max 300 likes on an ISWV response
reddit posts on generic anime subs about Vic losing average 90% upvoted
other ~10% never paid for anime

2. It's not about punishing Vic—it's about keeping him out of spaces where he can continue to abuse women.
3. That is a matter of public concern.
4. Vic's damages are all dependent on him being a public figure.
1. largely female FMA fans who conflate him with Edward Elric and want to be with him
2. largely male DB fans who LOVE toxic masculinity
Storytime: most people (like me) who hated Broly (the character and his 3 movies) before DBS:Broly were people who watch DB in Japanese. We always associated Broly love with dub fans and their weird big-mean-muscle-dude-w/Pantera obsessions.
Like, I kind of feel sorry for these people? Because DB is so much more than that
2. YT audience is literally mostly children—Greg's is actual influencers—mine is actual DB fans