Pentagon expert could reveal key details in Ukraine probe
U.S. hits Cuba with new sanctions over human rights, Venezuela
Current and Former Precious Metals Traders Charged with Multi-Year Market Manipulation Racketeering Conspiracy
#JPMorgan #BearSterns

Giuliani's work for Iranian group with bloody past could lead to more legal woes #MEK
Giuliani ally Michael Mukasey’s move to register as a lobbyist for an Iranian dissident group may spur the DOJ to investigate, experts say.
#Chao #JoeLieberman

PG&E said it could take 10 yrs to improve its electric system enough to significantly diminish the need to pull the plug on customers
Then @PGE4Me must provide their clients w/ generators—we are here b/c of deferred maintenance; instead paid bonus’/stockholders💰

Giuliani Mixes His Business With Role as Trump’s Lawyer
Giuliani met w/ DOJ officials Brian Benczkowski & attorneys in the fraud section.
They were there to discuss a foreign bribery case for a client that Giuliani described as “very, very sensitive.”

DeSantis downplayed ties to Giuliani’s gang. Then we found them hugging
Trump ‘Chaos Trades’
Story suggests traders made billions front-running policy news
3x involving the U.S.-China trade war, once the bombing of Saudi oil fields and once Hong Kong politics.
Trump’s Biden conspiracy began by pressuring UKR to discredit RU probe, help Manafort
Trump's obsession with UKR may have begun with a RW conspiracy theory that DNC faked RU hack
HRC suggests Putin has kompromat on Trump, RU will back Tulsi Gabbard 3rd-party bid
The DOS determined 38 people were "culpable" in 91 cases of sending classified info in messages that ended up in HRC's personal email.
The 38 are current & former DOS officials but were not identified in the report that was sent to Congress this week
“HUD did fail to comply with the law,” said Rep. David Price, D-N.C., said at the hearing.…
Filings in U.K. reveal ‘live and ongoing’ U.S. criminal probe
Laundering investigation grew out of Robert Mueller’s work…
“At one dinner party, Mr. Sondland said his job was “to destroy the European Union,’’ one senior European official said.”…
Re: Trump Awarding G7 contract to his Doral Resort.
China has become the largest buyer of US real estate, earning local political clout…
Amid intensifying scrutiny of his own work, the former New York mayor met recently with senior Justice Department officials on behalf of a client in a foreign bribery case.……
“I’m honored to be considered that by Trump because he also called Meryl Streep an overrated actress,” Mattis said. “So I guess I’m the Meryl Streep of generals, & frankly that sounds pretty good to me.”………
Stop the burning, I beg you stop the burning, cries bombed boy…
Trump's obsession with Ukraine may have begun with a right-wing conspiracy theory that DNC faked Russia hack……
Largely out of the spotlight since 2016, Cozy Bear hackers have been caught perpetrating a years-long campaign.…
“It was nutso,” said one person familiar with the exchange. “It was awkward.”…
Story suggests traders made billions front-running policy news…
Giuliani ally Michael Mukasey’s move to register as a lobbyist for an Iranian dissident group may spur the DOJ to investigate, experts say.…
Brady Toensing’s family is neck-deep in the Ukraine scandal.…
Mick Mulvaney’s walkback doesn’t pass the laugh test. Here’s the timeline.………
A study showed that more than 50% of the farm aid went to the nation's largest & wealthiest farms.
Farm aid from Trump's trade war has cost more than double the 2009 auto bailout…
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
October 18, 2019
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA