It's beyond any legitimate democratic approach. And it's encouraged by the offshore tax haven owned Brexit media
1. 2015 EU Ref Bill (attached)
A pre-legislative consultative referendum (commonly advisory).
Why was this?
Justified because Parliament, not People is sovereign. #FBPE…
1. Lack of supermajority
2. Gerrymandered Electorate
3. Non-binding result
These decisions only became law because politicians were told in the document above, and in Hansard that the decision was for parliament, not people who would merely be "consulted"
Transparency - true both sides did not correctly represent the law in the campaigns. Definitive statement from the notorious leaflet to Gove Customs union to £350m were wrong.
But they are not the law. And didn't people know what they were voting for?
The first attempt to put article 50 into law was challenged in the courts.
If Parliament were consulting the people and would be making the decisions, how then could article 50 be put into law without a parliamentary act
2017 withdrawal act. Parliament sovereign.
In order to confirm the result of the referendum and put it into law parliament then needed to turn a pre-legislative referendum into a post notification legislative process
So Parliament once again overruled the terms set with the people to do this.
At every point since then the Brexits evolved from 2016.
Brexits now are EU Exits with no promises and many consequences that have no consent (splitting uk down the Irish sea).
Parliament can disrespect the Brexit people voted for because it is sovereign.
Enter the ERG and friends asserting
The People vs Parliament
Parliament frustrating the will of the people.
Traitor Remain MPs for trying to keep Parliament to the original 2016 mandate.
Did they accidentally misspeak?
As they ignored all the times Parliament's sovereignty over the people was used to keep Brexit alive?
Did they manage to ignore that as they threatened civil unrest, mob rule, the army on the street
As they asserted treachery?