- #RAT
How do these relate to
- #BloomsTaxonomy
- #Dewey
- #KolbsExperientialLearning?
1/n... @harvardmacy #HMIHCE
Misra & Kohler eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ737321 Extended Lee Shulman's framework of Pedagogical Concept Knowledge (amazon.com/Wisdom-Practic…)
2/n... #HMIchat

- what learners already know/understand
- what they should know/understand by the end of lesson/course
- identify specific learning objectives - use #BloomsTaxonomy
4/n... #HMIchat

- Factual
- Conceptual
- Procedural
- Metacognition
For each dimension, there is a different level e.g. remember vs. create (Sometimes referred to as "lower" vs. "higher" levels of #BloomsTaxonomy)
Hold that thought
5/n.... #HMIchat
To get to the transformative stages of SAMR, to use tech to get to the "highest" levels of #BloomsTaxonomy you need all 3 parts of #TPACK.
6/n... #HMIchat

7/n.... #HMIchat

Dewey encouraged "learning by doing & reflecting on the experience". David Kolb described the 4 stage learning cycle
How does this correlate with "levels of Bloom" & 4 knowledge dimensions?
8/n... #HMIchat