She's on 4 diff.high BP meds.
She's already cut her meds in 1/2 to save $. 😭
McConnell: sign the bill lowering drug costs!!!
She's an RN who worked until she was 75.
She had to quit bc my health continues to decline.
B4 the #ACA, we went through our life savings on my #Healthcare.
We even went to the MAYO clinic (I still owe $9000)
No one should go bankrupt bc health
It's EnteraGam & I can't DIGEST food/absorb nutrients w/out it.
It's norm. $1600/mo but I get a pharmaceutical scholarship, making it $198/mo.
It's Bovine colstrum (yuck!) but absolutely life saving.
@GoodRx even gave me $400 last summer.
Mom can't afford it.😭

She's on Hills Science (below👇) bc she got into DCon as a puppy & has damaged liver.
We've been giving her chicken but now we're out.
Our cat had a UTI last wk. Visit + RX was $85.
She's on special food 👇 bc of high BP.
Out of her RX.

2 of my Twitter sisters sent some to us a month ago (+ Dawn, Clorox wipes, cat litter...) but now we are out.
They sent me my protein drinks 👇 bc I'm unable to eat sometimes bc of pain.
I'm a fighter/a reSister!

Charles Gaba, Topher Spiro have written articles about us & @morethanmySLE took my story to Capitol Hill.…

Losing our life savings bc of my #healthcare shouldn't be a death sentence, esp. for our dog & cat. 🐶 🐱
We're out of their food & my cat's RX.
Mom can't afford to take her full dose of high blood pressure meds, & we have to raise $198 each mo.

We just voted for
@AndyBeshearKY 💪 👊
I'm in #ChronicPain but I do my best to RESIST this admin, while also working to elect Dems across the U.S.
#MoscowMitch needs to pass the bill lowering drug prices.

RT, share to FB, &/or donate.
Even $5 or $10 will help.
1 of our most expensive bills is Mom's Life Insurance.
She's trying to leave something for me but bc she's 78, they keep raising the price.
This is so embarrassing but I don't know what to do.

Maybe someone who sees this will help.
I'm most worried about Mom & our animals.
I feel like it's my fault for being disabled.
I normally thank everyone separately but today's a rough day painwise.
I love you all! 💕 Julie