It was in the bathroom & I hit the tub & toilet.
Mom was at the grocery bc we got our $72/mo SNAP.
I lied there for an hr bc I couldn't get up. (Like those comm.)
I'm ok...
I just really whacked my back.
Mom is w/me now. She's an RN.
Thx RTing Gfm 💕
It's my pinned Tweet.
It's also Mom's pinned Tweet @DemForLife3. 🙏 (((hug)))
I had 2 FM transplants (1st 1 failed).
This all started from a tick bite in 2011,😪
resulting in E. Chaffeensis, Rickettsia, & Lyme.
I then contracted Coxsackie B4 virus
As a result, I've lost most use of my left side (& I'm left-handed 😔) .
I had been on antibiotics for 19 yrs b4 all of this which is why it was so devastating + I wasn't treated for 11 mos.
I even went to the Mayo Clinic.
Plz read
I'm in constant #ChronicPain & my 77-year-old mom, Carolyn, @DemForLife3 loads/unloads my walker, drives me to all my Dr appts: usually 2-3/wk + aqua therapy/ she helps me bathe/dress; she cooks, cleans, & is exhausted.😩

A very dear Twitter friend shipped all of the above 👆 + my Protein drinks which are $2/each. (minus lotion).
We are now out of ...

At one point, I was only able to drink these for a yr & 1/2 bc of the permanent abdominal pain/ intestinal damage (due to the C. Diff. & an undiagnosed bad gallbladder) .
We still have paper towels + dog food but need the rest.

#Healthcare is a human right!
We must #vote Every. Single. One. Of. Them.!

We must turn out in such massive numbers that foreign/domestic meddling, gerrymandering, & voter suppression can't stop us!
We must take OUR America back bc we include EVERYONE in our big, beautiful tent.

Vote like your lives DEPEND on it, bc they do! We can't live through a 2nd term of the GOP'S callous control.
Some of us will die.💔

We MUST defeat #MoscowMitch bc he truly is the #GrimReaper.
We must elect @AmyMcGrathKy & @AndyBeshearKy!
Organize.Register. Vote!
Visit @jennycohn1 to understand your voting rts/ballot protection!

Call your MOC @ (202) 224-3121
@resistbot Use your phone/tablet, etc & type a letter to your MOC: @resistbot types open/close of letter.
@ianbremmer (even if you don't agree w/his politics: read his bio)
@escapedmatrix (Flint H2O)
Please feel free to add your favorite follows: whether for organizing, re: registering to vote, great resisters, or a site you use to destress & relax.
Animals plz: