Poor southern whites in US don’t vote Republican due to a current Democratic candidate being too leftwing.
They vote as a consequence of massive propaganda
This isnt to say im pro Corbyn but rather that those people who “soft peddle” Brexit are making a massive mistake if they think once Corbyn gone & UK out of EU that somehow Labor voters radicalised by the rightwing Brexit process will simply flop back to Labour by themselves.
This is reason I decided to step up campaign for 2nd referendum even though it will be toxic.
Simply because if left & centre don’t buy into a post Brexit far right consensus that will be even more toxic.
But if we do, then UK is finished & Left & centre will have enabled it.
In other words:
Fence sitting on things like Brexit only works if you plan to sit on the fence for a decade while the right pushes Brexit to its natural conclusion everywhere in UK: Justice, NHS the lot.
If you don’t fight the right now, you’re just postponing the struggle.