2. Shape Strategic Environment for #Pakistan to Verifiably & Irreversibly drop Kashmir, Proxy & Terror Cards.
3. Roll back #Terrorism, Terror Modules & Network from #India by ProActive & PreEmtive Actions.
5. #KashmiriPandits return to #Kashmir & Give #Kashmiris what they missed so far as #oneindia.
6. #Indian Armed Forces Preparedness & Readiness for Future Warfare through Transformation, Modernisation & Jointness in Post #CDS Scenario.
7. #Defence Industrial & Technology Base reshaped. Complexity of MoD Bureacracy, OFB, Non Performing DPSU & DRDO Labs disinvested. PM vision of Make In India Defence Sector accelerated.
8. Detterence, Defence Capabilities & Capacities enhanced in Cyber, Space, Nuclear-Missile, Special Forces Domains.
9. Domination of AI, Cognitive Domain, Defence Technology & Manufacturing achieved.
10. Clear & bold Narrative, Mission Statement and Roadmap of National Security.
11. Greater......
12. .........
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