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Surely this colection is incomplete. Many good studies have been published during the past 2019. Feel free to share with us!
#PedsICU #BestOf2019
Mucho por mejorar en disparidad global de resultados en Sepsis pediátrica
#PedsICU #BestOf2019

This analysis raised questions about the Sepsis 3 definition´s performance if applied in 🚸
Food for thought! Mucho para pensar!
#PedsICU #BestOf2019

FEAST from @KathMaitland et al in 2011 changed the way we approach fluids in the critically ill.
This 2019 Levin et al published a 2ry bayesian analysis about FEAST in @LancetRespirMed

Authors even proposed some mechanistics explanations to understand what happened in #FEAST
Was it the Albumin? Was it the type of solution?
The reading of this papers is a must if you like fluid therapy
DO you know what thinks @KathMaitland about it?
#PedsICU #BestOf2019

Maitland did not like the analysis as you can read in this response to authors from herself.
That is the beauty of open #science! If you share the #data, amazing discussions and studies arise. And FEAST did it!
#PedsICU #BestOf2019 #OpenData

So Weiss S and @pus27 made this elegant editorial on it and published in @ADC_BMJ
Definitely a #must-2019-read
Si te interesa leer un buen editorial, lee este sobre fluidos!
#PedsICU #BestOf2019

Now we have great evidence about how much volume and the timing when transfusing severely anemic children
#pedsICU #BestOf2019

The power of #networks!💪
Did I tell you #VisualAbstract rock? Look at this the one!

We HAD TO include some coming from @pc4quality in our list. Kudos to this evolving network which is changing the way we do research in #PedsICU #PedsCICU
Read and learn how can we achieve #quality improvement through collaboration

Keep that O2 under surveillance please
#BestOf2019 @JAMANetworkOpen #PedsICU #oxygen

@cofrandi 🇨🇱 group in @LA_Rednetwork. Hopefully this 2020 many more original research from #Latinamerica will come out!
Check this and play the video
This one published in @PedCritCareMed on how to behave with bereaved parents after the death💀of a child in #PedsICU had a tremendous @altimetric impact
Kudos to Butler et al
Another #must-2019-read

Thanks to you @asaiojournal for publishing this kind of research!
Monitoring haemosthasis during #ECLS is challenging. Saifee NH et al published in @asaiojournal how to monitoring heparin levels during
Another #BestOf2019 paper in the #PedsICU

An important international call to better reporting to @ELSOOrg registries to improve knowledge in this area
#BestOf2019 #PedsICU

One of top 2019 #SoMe moments IMO was the @PedCritCareMed release of new #TBI Guidelines and the online @twitter discussion which ended in a fabulous @OPENPediatrics worldwide shared forum between @Pat_Kochanek & @RobertCTasker
#BestOf2019 #pedsICU
This was the end

#SoMe in action

Then a summary of questions from all around the world was made by @RobertCTasker
#epicmoment round the corner and @WFPICCS was tunning the moment...
@OPENPediatrics #BestOf2019 #PedsICU #TBI

In April we could all enjoyed an amazing @OPENPediatrics #TBI guidelines discussion with amazing #SoMe input.
Please read originals in @PedCritCareMed and watch the Forum!

2019 had really amazing research on🧠for our #PedsICU community
Could we imagine that ICP could be non-invasively measured some years ago?
Fanneli A et al (@RobertCTasker again) in @TheJNS show you that it can be!
#Must-2019-read !

Thanks @PECARNRC @PREDICT_network @PERUKItweep for this!

#Tweetorial Message. I HAVE TO SAY THIS
Have you noticed the number of amazing and huge #Network research which has been published during 2019?
That is why we wrote this with @LA_Rednetwork in 2019
Look how many #PedsICU groups are working! Join!

Not in the final list but in particular I wanted to thank @mauroyunge et al for getting this #latinamerican study published in @PedCritCareMed
Way to go!
To cool or not 🧠🧊 post ♥️arrest? How? A still opened question
#BestOf2019 #PedsICU

We included 3 important "trio"papers from prominent authors which might change our preconceptions on how research is done & resonates in our field

Finally, thanks for all the outstanding research.
Hope the list could help our collegues to sum up some of the best available evidence in our field... Will be great to meeting you in #México this 2020
With @Dr_Hari_Krishna we are already searching for the next list