#labour I'm worried
I need you to find your way to electability.
That doesn't start with reality denial.
1. Total seats lost due to LD/SNP competition - 60
Biggest issue, not even discussed.
2. Socialism/corbynism marketing problem bigger than #Brexit⏬ ignored.
3. Our policies wern't good. An incoherent mess that none of us understood or could communicate
4. Everything #Blair did was wrong. So we actively refuse to do stuff that's right, just because he did it
5. We have no strategy or forward dream. FTMNTF is vacuous.
#Brexit was a disaster. But not at #GE19, because we didn't build a position on #brexit for three years. #labour creates strategy.
It can't dodge it.
7. We have a core hydra of people centrally who are staying the same...major problem.
Old white men in safe jobs do not admit errors.
They justify and deflect onto other things
Is there a more accurate description of current #Labour?
We used to use research, testing, evidence.
Just coz Blair did it doesn't make it wrong. So does Bernie.
We are 4x busted.
Maybe somehow the outcome is continuity
But for #Labour's sake, land that in fact and research. How many ignored the evidence there would be no 2nd bounce?
Ignore biases of old and very ill advised men who lost.