💠This applies to future presidents as well. So unless the GOP intends to establish a monarchy or Putin-style presidency (and there's indication that the far right wing wants this) a Democratic president will step in with vast power.
The president doesn't have absolute power over foreign policy. See the attached from one of the impeachment docs⤵️
There've been hints for a while that Trump's defense may be, "Yes I did it, and there was nothing wrong."

Trump seemed to believe that he was entitled to direct foreign policy according to his whims and for his own benefit.
They operate exactly this way: The ruler takes over the nation's industries and business and eventually owns the country. A new form of oligarchy.
They prefer Putin-style oligarchy to a true liberal democracy.
According to this theory, they are backing Trump's quest to turn the US into the United States of Russia because they are blackmailed.
When we talk about white supremacy and a Putin-style oligarchy, it's about money because it is about a select group of white men [Trump and pals] in possession of the nation's wealth as well as holding power.
Here's the thing . . .
We're still fighting the Civil War.
Ironically enough, we come to this moment partly because of the first impeachment of Andrew Johnson.
They didn't win the war, so they got themselves back into power. . .
This gave us Jim Crow. . .
In 1954, the Supreme Court reversed the ruling in Plessy.
We're still riding the backlash from that decision.
And here we are. Still fighting the Civil War.
(People aren;t seeing all the tweets, so I'll put the thread on my blog)

Previously the idea was that Congress makes laws, and the president only objects . . .
Using the veto powers this way moved the seat of power from Congress to the White House.
Democratic-supporting organizations are springing up.
The 2018 and 2019 election results (Democratic wins) shows people pushing back. . .
The impeachment, the Whistleblower, the members of the administration willing to testify against Trump, the many court rulings against Trump show the institutions are holding up.
If you want to know what you can do to strengthen our institutions. . .
Democracy means "rule by the people."
That means us.
I practice what I preach. I am now a proud (and active) member of the Voter Protection Committee in Georgia. I've already put in dozens of hours.