Picture a computer & looking for a wifi signal.
You get a bunch of signals. But no password. Results? No internet.
Same with humans.
You can have a lot of humans around. But without connection, you won't feel understood
Loneliness ensues
You can't see wifi signals either. But you know it exists.
The invisible often matters more than the visible 👀👇
Because our senses can confirm it.
If 1 or more of the 5 senses check out, then we think it's all good.
Your senses can only take you so far.
Its like trying to see Pluto with bifocal lens.
Not gonna work.
That's where stuff like:
Start kicking in
It's to show, just because you have visible humans around you doesn't equate to the invisible connection being present.
But behind the scenes, they feel lonely.
Its because they lack connection
They're seeking the wrong things.
Its because they lack self awareness.
'And why is that?'
Because building self awareness is a stinging process.
Not meant for the feint of heart
When you feel lonely, that's your body giving you a sign to get to know yourself better.
Once you know yourself better, you'll know the right people you want in your life.
But they opt for 3-5 ish.
It's because they are self aware
'Infinite?? Don't you think you're exaggerating?'
Nah. It's a POTENTIAL for infinite level of chaos.
The highest level super computer can't predict a humans next behavior to pure perfection.
You're inviting a bunch more baggage which is going to turn a bad problem worse.
Rather than appealing to your senses, appeal to your heart.
Invisible > Visible
Others won't be able to give you what you can't give yourself G.
If you feel like you're lacking connection with the external world..
Then that's code for you lacking connection with the internal world.
Don't chase the derivative.
Chase the source.
The good, the bad & the ugly.
Knowing where you have been & where you wanna go.
Knowing that everything happens for a reason.
So no need to judge yourself.
Instead, understand yourself.