1. Thorough medical exam has been done before each evacuation, who have been evacuated shows NO symptoms before onboarding
this is confirmed by a local Wuhan who just sent his wife & daughter (both Germany) out via evacuation process m.douban.com/people/3033829…

Given #1 and 2, So the actual density of infection can be higher
but let's use 1% on the conservative side for now

Since the elders seem to be effected disproportionally, many died before they can have a proper PCR test

I'm never a fan of any conspiracy theories, most fall into the realm of Occam's Razor
Don't trust, verify

also forgot to mention another caveat on the overall nationwide infected numbers:
During Chinese New Year, 5m out of the 11mm Wuhan ppl headed out to other regions during the holiday. This makes the national transmission rate hard to model