-China is responsible for a significant amount of the global supply chain.
-China already restricting shipments & availability of goods.
-USA allegedly now energy independent.
-China controls significant gold & lithium reserves.
-China has been pumping their stock market.
-USA is also pumping their stock market.
-China probably survives #nCoV19 crisis due to massive manufacturing infrastructure.
-USA probably hurts more due to lack of access to China goods.
-USD probably survives as world reserve...
-Global depression more likely now than 2019
-Gold, #Bitcoin, Real Estate, US Cash to buy the dip.
-I don't see why you would risk being heavy in stocks right now.
-Not a bad idea to look at building an emergency food storage.
-Global recession more likely if Bernie gets elected.
Can markets survive this
cc @JamesGRickards @RaoulGMI @Jkylebass?
cc @AriDavidPaul ?