Trump wants to INCREASE US tariff bindings at the WTO and get rid of MFN...
Q1: How LOW are US average tariffs compared to other countries?
A1: They are low, but not that much lower than, say, Japan and the EU...…

Q2: Why is Trump's idea to give up on MFN, and set individual product-level tariffs for each individual trading partner, a problem? (Ie, his reciprocal tariffs idea)
A2: Don't fall for the "sounds good" nature of this
(i) It would be a logistical NIGHTMARE for business...
(ii) Giving up MFN could have PROFOUND impacts for the ability to negotiate (and sustain) **ANY** trade deals
The channels through which this would happen are explained in this op-ed from EARLY Trump days, when they pitched a similar idea...…
The Trump Trade Team’s Vocabulary Problem
It’s not clear that officials understand the meaning of ‘reciprocity’ and ‘most favored nation.’
(ungated version of the WSJ)…
And when Secretary Wilbur Ross wrote a letter to the WSJ editor, critiquing that piece, this was the follow-up to explain WHY they had it wrong...…
Trump's Reciprocal Tariffs Don't Add Up
The domino effect of raising barriers on German auto imports would clobber U.S. consumers.
(ungated version of the Bloomberg piece)…
There is historical research to showcase the problems that arise if Trump gives up on MFN - and thus, why MFN has MASSIVE benefits...
“Multilateral or Bilateral Trade Deals? Lessons from History,”
(with Alan O. Sykes and Robert W. Staiger)