Rob’s write up, linked here, is a quasi-factual humorous take.
Here’s what actually happened. Thread.
Before certain briefings made it to the president I was consulted. The goal was to understand technical challenges and *actual* state of the art.…
Numerous times existing capabilities within the “hacking” community were presented as 5+ years off (e.g. kernel root kits).
I was usually able to educate the cabinet members / staffers sufficiently and arm them with real world examples and data points.
Principals later informed me how the misleading information that was trying to get in front of POTUS aligned with, and/or benefited, the originator’s budget (or upcoming budget request).
I kept the extent of my involvement and impact a secret from the L0pht and general community.
OBhack: Even the parts of the IC, in which I was involved, didn’t know I was fact checking their briefs.
Smarter use of our tax monies? More informed senior leadership that can hopefully make smarter decisions and laws?
Yes please!
But back to the story...
They responsed: “yes. Our bad. Will put you on the invite list immediately. Fly down tomorrow and be here by 6am”
Me: “I’ve been helping you folks look, and get, smart for several years. However the media still labels me hacker = criminal even though I’m not breaking the law. How about helping me dispel that image?”
Them: “That’s fair.”
Then it went wrong.
They hadn’t realized one of the names was supposed to be under cover.
Out goes the list with one “Peiter Zatko” attending.
Gets worse / funnier.
Ted: Is Mudge’s real name “Peiter Zatko”?
When this was relayed to me I immediately called the NSC.
Damage control!
NSC: “We’re on it!”
I felt relieved.
After all these people had titles like National Coordinator for Critical Infrastructure and Counter Terrorism, and Director of Transnational Threat.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t helpful action.
The team removed “Peiter Zatko” from the list sent to the Press, replaced it with “Mudge” and sent this second list to the press as urgent.
That was the only change.
So not only did the WH leak my real name, they essentially highlighted it in neon lights.
I’ll try to post some that are appropriate.