I stand before you today NOT ONLY as the Ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee…
NOT ONLY as a lifelong friend to Israel and the Jewish people…
I ALSO stand before you today as a fellow fighter in humanity’s unending struggle against hatred in all its forms.
I'm ALWAYS proud to address AIPAC Policy Conference.
I'm ALWAYS honored to stand on this stage. Because I know the people here today ALWAYS stand up against hate.
And if anyone from any political party thinks otherwise they should take the time to come themselves instead of castigating from afar!
And I stand with you against the many forces that seek to undermine the U.S.-Israel relationship and even Israel’s very right to exist.
ONE: The security of the United States is strong when Israel is strong.
Congress has consistently voted to impose tough sanctions against Iranian malign activity that threatens Israel’s existence and U.S. interests in the region.
Now, I won’t pretend that from time to time, my colleagues and I may disagree on how to confront some of our challenges.
Unfortunately, every year we come together, we find no shortage of threats imperiling Israel.
No country on earth should be expected to stand idly by as a terrorist organization continues to attack its citizens.
The question is, how do we achieve that goal?
But here’s something I also know. Maximum sanctions pressure on its own is a tactic, not a strategy.
As some of you may have heard, I am working with @LindseyGrahamSC of South Carolina on a plan to signal bipartisan support for a concrete diplomatic strategy.
We must be willing to use the right economic and diplomatic levers to engage Iran in a serious dialogue about its nuclear weapons program including its ballistic missiles.
This challenge demands that we restore the power of diplomacy and harness America’s unique ability to unite nations in common cause.
To those who argue we must press forward with sanctions alone, I only say this.
The threat of conflict is real. The stakes could not be higher. And we cannot just cross our fingers and hope Iran changes its behavior.
We cannot let heightened tensions and misunderstandings lead us into war, the costs of which the American and Israeli people know all too well.
There’s no question we come together at a time when anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide.
Well, we cannot let THEM divide US.
We must remember that diversity is our strength, and our capacity to build solidarity our greatest weapon.
Hope over fear. Democracy over despotism. Human rights over hatred.
And these values sustain a partnership between two democracies that has spanned multiple Presidents, Prime Ministers, congressional majorities and Knesset coalitions.
Because, as Bobby Kennedy also once said,