My sister Sarah Jane would have been 50 years old today.
I speak about her and tell her story in the talk I do about #DomesticAbuse but that doesn’t tell HER story.
Here’s a bit more about her and our family.

I’m told (by my birth mother - that’s another story) that Guernsey in the late 60s was more like the 1900s from a morals and development perspective. So being born ‘out of wedlock’ was especially problematic.
It was undiagnosed but I think Mum was depressed her whole life under the surface.
She was red-haired and blue-eyed like Dad and I am brown haired and eyes like Mum.
The Nuclear Family was complete.
I suspect mum’s desire to have a boy meant I was treated like a prince.
We fought all the time after sarah was about 5 or 6 - arguments, sniping, breaking each other’s things.
Our parents wanted the best and moved from a small village to town for schools.
All along we were ‘separated by achievement’ consciously or not I don’t know.
Sarah was popular, rebellious and never really invested in school. (You can see her in uniform in Tweet 1) and as soon as she could get a job she did so part time in garages and on forecourts.
She didn’t follow gender lines!
I needled my mum relentlessly for then birth certificate I needed for a passport.
After days and days of persistence, Mum snapped and we had a row...
Utterly confused I asked what she meant and she blurted out the secret she’d been carrying for nearly 2 decades “you’re adopted aren’t you. So is your sister. Don’t tell her...”
So as I flounced out of the door, I went...
I then slammed the door and stayed at my friend Joe’s house for 3 days before going back home to talk about it.
The secret was out and I was born Mark Allen in Guernsey.
I had shared a room with my Dad for the past three years as my parent’s marriage crumbled and now none of us really spoke to one another.
Sarah really took the new information to heart and began the search...
My behaviour went off the rails and after ruining my A Levels and chasing trouble I decided to leave Aylesbury and go away to college to reinvent myself.
Sarah stayed at home until she finished school and got a job immediately.
Sarah lived with him and they both worked while I was away at College in North Wales.
Sarah worked at a garage.
She met Bob, a mechanic and they lived together quite soon after in a nice new house.
After this relationship ended she started seeing another mechanic, Rob, the one! 19
Stephanie was born and then Alexander.
The pub worked well for a while and the sideline was a bit of other income.
The early 2000s were a good time. They got married too.
I knew Sarah had left her family and gone to live in Newcastle with Ian Hope through Mum who thought Sarah was off on a romantic mission of love.
She tried to keep the veneer.
He told me Sarah had been killed.
I knew nothing about her relationship in the NE and her experiences at the hands of Ian Hope.
I still feel guilty.
I’m trying to make a legacy from her tragic death.
Sarah Jane Gosling
8/3/1970 to 26/2/2012.
End #domesticviolence and #VAWG.
End #DomesticAbuse…
#IWD2020 🙏🏼