I couldn't find the info but the raw data's there so I did it myself
The majority of States w/ low testing ARE Red States👇
South Korea=395,194 tests
=1 out of 130 citizens tested
US=1,006,692 tests
=1 out of 325 citizens tested
Of course @Yamiche was right we're being out tested by SK

👉Florida's 6th in the US. They reported 5,704 cases & 71 deaths
Washington is 7th. With less cases they have 3x the amount of deaths🤔
👉Washington=5,250 cases & 210 reported deaths
Is Florida accurately testing & reporting?

Indiana is 40 out of 50 in testing
Only 1 out of 577 residents in Indiana's been tested
That's Pence's own State
This is who leads our Federal Response😡
They promised 5M tests by end of month but we've only had 1M?