Danger associated with #ModiVideoMessage of turning-off all household light's at #9PM9minute on 5th April.
Why it is nothing lesser than a "barbaric madness"?
By simultaneously turning off 24.6% power demand in country? 1/n
A thread..
367GW power is generated in India by various means, which is then fed into all power transmission networks by Generating Stations, which is being distributed by 33Kv, 11Kv supply system to our households for domestic needs & lightings.
2/n Data

Power supply & demands is maintained at 50Hz frequency in India. If a sudden demand increases then this cause frequency⏬ drops & if demand is reduced den frequency⬆.
Out of 367GW, 24.70% is lighting household demand
41.1% is industrial demand
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Due to #Lockdown21 industrial power demands across country is already ~50%, due to this Power demands halves & power generating units are running with around their 60% capacity which is near critical.
Now understand Danger of suddenly power-off
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People will cut off 24.7% power demand by turning off all lights 💡
This will lead to sudden surge in Frequency upward frm 50Hz to 52.5Hz or more.
This wl create sudden power throwing-off in Generating Units. 5/n
Due to sudden power throwoff many Generating Station could Trip, which will lead to sudden power supply sinking.
This will create catastrophic jurk in power system, may lead to sinking of Power Grids
Remember Failure of Northern Power Grids 10yrs before. 6/n
If Any of Power Grid fails due to sudden fluctuations in supply & demand then it will lead to power supply failures in hospitals and many 24*7 running Industries too.
So dear People of India, don't behave as SHEEP🐑 of Fool Shepherd🚶🐏🐏🐏.
There is Danger!! 7/n
Let us all behave as literate citizens, feel our responsibility cause Power Engineers r working 24*7 into this #Lockdown21.
Serving nation, so dat V can live inside our houses in comfortable position.
Don't make situation worse to them, cause a Fool appealing 🙏 8/8
An unnecessary stress is being put on power sector by this #9PM9minute PR agenda of Thali pito PM.
risking whole system of power supply can never be called a wise decision.