At admission, #seizures, uncontrolled, put on #ventilator. Deep jaundice, comatose. Investigations=acute on #chronic liver failure #aclf
#MRI Brain Part 1👇
Extensive hemorrhagic infarcts, almost all of anterior and mid #brain.
#medicine #MedTwitter #radiology

MRI Brain Part 2👇
Both sides cortical venous thrombosis and anterior third of superior saggitsl sinus thrombus.
#imaging #stroke #NeuroTwitter #neurology #NeuroTwitterNetwork

MRI Brain Part 2 👇
Both anterior #cerebral arteries thrombosed, one side middle cerebral artery gone.
Death within 18 hours on ventilator.
Cause: #fungal mucormycosis of sinuses invading brain, blood vessels due to #pseudoscience behaviour. #awareness #publichealth #tragic