Measuring social license required for financialization of #nature.
Economist Intell. Unit : "Through a global network of more than 650 analysts & contributors, the EIU continuously assesses & forecasts political, economic & business conditions in more than 200 countries."
“This research shows how much people value the natural world, their willingness to make changes [] & their increasing calls for leaders to take meaningful action." [p. 5]
"New Power" - "The ability to harness the connected crowd to get what you want" - Heimans, Purpose/Avaaz
"Nature is the foundation of economic growth" [p. 9]
No. Nature is the foundation upon which all life depends.
"According to #WEF, US$44trn of economic value generation—over half of total global #GDP— is potentially at risk..." [p. 9]
"People all over the world care about #nature, [] especially in emerging markets. This shift in public sentiment reflects a hard reality, as people in #emergingmarkets are most likely to experience the devastating impact of the loss of nature."
Makary: "Now, you can report the number [of cases] going from 4-7 as a 70% increase - or you can say its gone from 4 to 7."
(Speaking to how case numbers can be framed - presented in a straightforward non-alarming fashion - or framed to incite fear, panic, sensationalism)
"I think the #demonization of these people [unvaxxed], blaming them, even though they pose really no risk to those who have immunity [&] are vaccinated...
btw, the type of person that's not vaccinated is also the type of person that more likely had the infection."
May 2021 report by the #WEF, "How to Build #Trust in #Vaccines seeks to understand how these online conversations can influence our #beliefs around vaccines. [] in partnership w/ the Vaccine Confidence Project, researchers used #AI tools to analyse online discussions." #Biotech
"The report finds that above all, we need to encourage #language that breeds #trust. The researchers say, “trust in the individuals, #institutions & overall #system that together discover, develop & deliver vaccines is fundamental to vaccine confidence.
"And #Covid is a project, however one tweezes it apart, of an unelected #billionaire#class that continues to amass enormous almost unthinkable amounts of money and property, beginning a #project of reshaping the #planet."
"& their influence is now expressed in global corps &, more, in NGOs & institutions such as the #WHO & #WorldBank, the UN, & the #WEF. That they are ignorant of their own hubris is perhaps the most terrifying part of this entire scenario. This is the age of the rigid & weak ego."
"The eradication of the unconscious, of archaic dreams & collective imagination, the disenchantment of the world, & of the self, has taken place rapidly over the last 30 yrs ... & this disenchanted human is one who finds it hard to grasp the ideas of #class & economic #coercion."
"Co-hosted by Richard Curtis & Mark #Carney – & featuring senior leaders from the financial world – the summit discussed how the $50 trillion invested by #pension funds globally can help tackle the #climate#emergency."
If recent history serves as a barometer for public embrace of corporate "solutions" (marketed via #storytelling & #NGOs), it is not difficult to envision whole societies soon demanding their #pensions be "unlocked" by those attempting to save the faltering #capitalist system.
2/12/21: Newsweek: "Miraculous #mRNA#Vaccines are only the Beginning"
#mRNA vaccines offer "an early look at how the miraculous tools of the #genetics#revolution will transform our #healthcare & our world over the coming years."
"...our Promethean technologies, our moment of triumph could set us on a path to disaster. Of all the species that have ever lived, our single group of hominins now has the capacity to remake all of #biology."
The new #vaccines are perfect early examples of this "godlike #technology." ... This approach will soon create a whole new platform for fighting cancers & other diseases, as well as for providing enhancements even more profound than #vaccination."