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C Bracken @colemanbracken
7 years ago, 51 tweets, 18 min read Read on Twitter
1. The Owl of American Power Brokers
Why is the Symbol of the Owl a thing in the United States?

How does this relate to the concerted battle against @RealDonaldTrump?

@damartin32 @GenFlynn @TheLastRefuge2 @RealJamesWoods @JulianAssange
#MAGA #Resist #TrumpToo #DrainTheSwamp
2. Let me start with this WikiLeaks email to Hillary Clinton, while she was SECSTATE (using her infamous personal email server, which broke several laws and…I digress to focus on the owl).…
3. That, is a very real email to a criminal who -so far- has eluded the sword of justice. The corruption of Hillary alone has produced a Generation of Americans who are so jaded about our rulers that they no longer expect justice for the elite.
4. The only reason you and I are able to read that email is because her illegal, non-DOS approved personal email server, used to conduct official business was “hacked” and given over to @WikiLeaks. Thank you #SethRich (WL)
5. Can we agree that Hillary and Jacob Sullivan referenced the “Owl/Minerva rule” as it pertained to a DOS statement on the Libyan revolution? Specifically, does paragraph 5 break that rule?
6. I don’t know what the Owl/Minerva rule is. But we can see it is referenced and weighted against messages from the United States to the World at large as they pertain to the power of a people over their rulers.
7. There are theories about the Owl/Minerva Rule. But first, let me tell you why I took interest in this particularly. Have you seen the hidden OWL in our one dollar bill? Not making it up, pull out a dollar bill and see for yourself.
8. Why in the world would there be an Owl hidden in our dollar bill?
If you’ve read/watched any Dan Brown, or even “National Treasures” flicks, you already know symbolism means something to someone.
9. So who could the Owl SYMBOL be important to? Let’s see…in no particular order, starting with our Nation’s Capitol – Landscaping completed in 1892…
10. The National Press Club, a “professional organization…for journalists and communications professionals” located in DC, created in early 1900s.
11. Also the National Press Club, 2016 “Spring Hoot” thing.
12. More National Press Club, broadcast on C-SPAN…1992 Oliver Stone debunking the JFK assassination. Interesting!…
13. Library of Congress, John Adam’s building, also in DC “one of three library buildings of the Library of Congress in the United States” – Built 1939
14. Interior of John Adam’s building, 5th floor reading room
15. Harold Washington Library, Chicago- built 1991.
16. Great Seal of the State of California … The shield is supposed to show the head of medusa, but I can’t tell. It looks like an owl. Not sure on this one.
17. Yale University. Owls are ALL OVER the architecture of Yale.
18. More Yale
19. Yale Cont’d…There are more Owl Symbols at Yale than anywhere else researched, which is even more interesting when considering SKULL & BONES.
20. Tangent 1: YALE’s Skull & Bones secret society. Most of us have heard of it, yet never put much thought into it, other than it being a club where the elite hang out and plot their futures together.
21. I could find no Owls associated with Skull & Bones, other than Yale is littered with them. Could be a coincidence, but it could also indicate a relationship
22. The Skull & Bones symbol is Geronimo’s Skull. Yes, the Native American warrior known for his ghost-like abilities to evade and elude US forces while secretly moving against them
23. Photos of S&B members posed around Geronimo’s skull became famous when we learned that several US presidents and statesmen were S&B members.

Such as George W. Bush.
24. And John Kerry, George HW Bush, and so on…
25. End Tangent 1, back to the Owl symbol.
26. Enter Giant Owl statue at the famed Bohemian Grove, where (in effigy) a human is burned at alter to the Giant Owl statue. Pseudo paganism? IDK. I’ve read apologetics about the ceremony and it still looks like a symbolic human sacrifice to an Owl.
27. The MOST INTERSTING part of this, to me at least, is the symbol of the Bohemian Grove.

This, to me, ties the Owl and “secret society” into our real-lives because of the Owl in the Dollar.
28. Remember the owl? See how the webs of the “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here” around the Owl in the dollar bill? Connects tinfoil theories to our real lives.

I’ll come back to this
29. A few more Bohemian Grove notable people (there’s a HUGE body of work on the BG if you’re interested in more)

Regan and Nixon at BG
30. IMPORTANT: Colin Powell’s hacked email from 2016 BG, illustrates that @POTUS was NOT part of the “club” and that this secret society did NOT WANT Trump to be President.
The BG is known as the Republican’s camp. Trump was running as an R…so what gives?…
31. How about this? Are they really making Owl Symbols? I don’t think so. BUT Some of these stars ARE worth examining.
32. Jay-Z and Beyonce. Notice the Skull and Bones Shirt? (back on #20)
33. How about the Owl on Beyoncé?
34. Or, remember that time when they performed for Hillary’s campaign? Hmmmm.
35. Side note, Beyoncé is also a fan of Baphomet and PROUD TO DISPLAY IT
36. One of the more disturbing Owl Symbols (for me anyway) is that freaky “Temple” on Epstein Island.
37. Epstein is the infamous Billionaire, who was charged with underage prostitution (pedophilia?) but for some reason was only charged with soliciting prostitution.…
38. Close-up on the Owl on Epstein’s Temple
39. Epstein was close with Bill Clinton too; several flight-manifests on the “Lolita Express” (an in-flight orgy for the rich and famous)
40. Ancillary documents from the FBI’s Epstein investigation
41. What’s all this mean? How is it relevant to the embattled President Trump?
We know the BG nerds don’t like Trump (#30)
We know their symbol is the Owl, and that its on our dollar bills
42. How about NEW DOLLAR BILLS? Like, new notes printed under the Trump Presidency?
Well, here is Mnuchin showing them off
43. And there is NO OWL in the new bills.
44. Also, the Token “Illuminati” part (I tried to avoid it, but I can’t).
The Owl.
45. Finally, note that at the 2017 Bilderberg Group meeting in VA, @POTUS was the TOP ITEM on its AGENDA. Say what you will about Bilderberg, but you can’t refute that it is comprised of the WORLD’s most powerful people.…
46. So, the Owl club is against Trump, and the Bilderberg Group is strategizing what to do about him. Meanwhile, what we see is The FBI, DOJ, DNC, the MSM, and even the GOP doing everything they can to remove him from the most powerful office in the world.
47. Is it possible the “The Swamp” is not specific to US political parties?
Is it possible that The Swamp is actually these groups who meet in secret, whose symbols saturate our Nation? Is that what is really going on?
48. The more you examine this weird stuff, the more our current situation makes sense.
The President is “killin’ it” economically, arresting more gangs and human traffickers than ever, and is fighting for America First.
49. He is ending global unifying agreements because he is not part of the globalist elite conspiracy. He is not an Owl, or a Bilderberg. He has never attended either of camps.
Note that the EU started as a Free-Trade agreement…over time, globalist agenda’s make headway. See?
50. I think what we’re witnessing could literally be globalist elite, through their various organizations and minions, attempt to take down a president because he is against their secret agenda.
51. JFK was also against the secret agenda. - END
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