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I live disability theory. I don't need to read a lot of it.

If I was always reading disability theory, I would NOT BE READING other thinkers I want to read, like Cicero, Epictetus, et al.

Ex: Everyone telling me to read Sara Ahmed's COMPLAINT rn. I'm living Ahmed's book rn. Back cover of epiphany maga...
That photo is the back cover of @epiphanylit . It shows Sara Ahmed's essay "No," a very good essay, alongside my essay, "Some Husbands I Work With."

I had to publish that piece as a "short story" at the time. I told the Editor, "You know this is real, right? I don't feel safe."
Editor at Epiphany? Totally fantastic. Understood that I would change a few minor details, thereby fictionalizing my life, so that the husbands at my work place would not 1) sue me nor 2) hurt me. #AcademicTwitter
Read 19 tweets
So wie auch versprochen: Barrierearme Konferenz 101.
Zunächst mal: #AcademicAbleism. It’s a thing. Wirklich. Kaum eine Institution ist so schlecht auf Menschen mit Behinderung eingestellt, denn bis vor gar nicht so lange waren wir eben Forschungsobjekte und nicht Forschende 1/
Man muss also unter Umständen erstmal die Menschen mit Geld (Profs, Dekanat, Stiftungen etc) davon überzeugen, dass diese Maßnahmen nötig sind („ach es kommen doch eh keine Rollstuhlfahrer“ - „war die letzte Konferenz vielleicht im 2. Stock ohne Aufzug? Hmmh?“) 2/
Die folgenden Tipps und Erkenntnisse sind aus der Konferenz "Moving Towards Collective Action: Activism and Academia" entstanden, die ich mit @GailsFagan vom 14-15 Mai hybrid in Kiel organisieren durfte. 3/
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We should not only make research more accessible because it is the right thing to do, but because it provides more accurate results.

Listen to the full podcast on our website:

#AcademicChatter #DisabledInSTEM #DisabledinHigherEd @FractalEcho
Video description: Purple background with a picture of Dr. Rua Williams: a person with light skin, brown hair to their shoulders, and wears circular glasses. They wear a white floral collared shirt, floral bowtie, and blazer/jacket. White text that reads:
Dr. Rua Williams discusses how accessible data collection methods provide better research results that are more comprehensive and valid.
Read 9 tweets
Starting a thread to aid @JohnsHopkins in transparency on their response to complaints of widespread ableism and the dismissals of 5 disabled counseling students.

The first article that came out features 4 of the 5 disabled students, all dismissed from a small grad program within a 7 month timeframe.

#AcademicAbleism #HigherEd #Baltimore…
Despite extensive fact-checking done by the Newsletter, the School of Education dean’s letter to the editor called our claims unfounded. He requested the article be taken down.

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Here follows a thread on how not to be an ableist jerk with your pedagogy—inspired by the marking meeting I sat through today until I had to say something:

1) the university is not a level playing field.
2) it follows that if the university is not a level playing field, doubling down on its carceral character with late penalties is more discipline that reinforces structural inequities.
3) your classroom is not a level playing field when you do not privilege access as a process.
Read 17 tweets
Reference letter season is upon us and you may be wondering how to approach writing about the disabilities of students and colleagues who you are recommending. I’ve been on both sides of the desk and offer some suggestions and resources in this 🧵. 1/11 #AcademicAbleism
Disclosure: You should never disclose someone’s disability without their approval. Asking them about this need not be awkward if you are prepared to explain why you think mentioning their disability in your letter would be beneficial. 2/11
The answer to that last question is not “they like to see disability for diversity”. Don’t kid yourself! Ableism is everywhere. Admissions and hiring committees are 4 times more likely to admit/hire an abled person.3/11
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Let's crowdsource! What are some ways faculty, your dean, department chair, HR, or whoever else has supposedly granted an accommodation

without actually granting an accommodation?

Supposed accommodation: Yes, you can work remotely!
Reality: We need 2 months notice.
I can definitely think of a few from experience and what I often hear.

Supposed accommodation: Yes, you can work remotely!
Reality: You (and only you) need to give a detailed schedule of when you're on campus and you absolutely must adhere to it.
Supposed accommodation: Yes, you can attend part-time!

Reality: All of your funding depends on being full-time. You're not full time? Well then you're not funded.
Read 9 tweets
When we hear someone's rights have been violated, it's natural to want to help. Before you give advice, please refer to this infographic. Image description was too long so it follows.

#DisInHigherEd #AcademicAbleism #DEHEM21 #HigherEdLovesToViolateADA #HigherEd Too long for Twitter apparently. Alt text is posted after in
Infographic. At the top is a stop sign and large text that reads, “Before you give advice about denied accommodations…” Then there is a dividing line. Text reads, “Are you recommending suing?” and there are the following sentences, “Unless you are offering to pay for
legal advice and cover all legal expenses or offer your services as a disability lawyer pro-bono, stop. Unless you know a lawyer or a law firm willing to take on a university or college, stop. Many professors, departments, and institutions will violate a disabled person’s rights
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This thread is about to be a massive disclaimer. I am going to use today to speak as if I were speaking to friends, which means I am going to be completely honest, but it also means some of the advice I am going to give really, really sucks. (1/)
No one, not a student, not a professor, not a post-doc, should be forced to advocate for themselves and their accommodations. Is it a useful skill? Absolutely. It should not be a necessity, and it often is. There are a range of experiences to be had in #HigherEd. (2/)
Some people are wonderful and some offices and departments and folks in power are truly doing their best, trying to help disabled people, and working on their ableism. They're life-savers in my opinion. (3/)
Read 7 tweets
Anonymous Story #19 - Not disabled enough?

We will be posting this story as a thread below, but if you'd prefer to read it as a blog, you can do that.
[blog post]…
#DisabledInHigherEd #DEHEM21 #DisInHigherEd
I'm currently on my second try at finishing undergrad after having to drop out due to my accommodations not being met. Not surprisingly, I might have to drop out again. 2/
On my first attempt at college, my autoimmune disorder developed in ways I had never dealt with and at the time that typically required me being very close to a bathroom, meds, ice packs and heating pads. 3/
Read 12 tweets
Anonymous Story #18 - Incapable of seeing ableism.

We will be posting this story as a thread below, but if you'd prefer to read it as a blog, you can do that.
[blog post]…

#DisabledInHigherEd #DEHEM21 #DisInHigherEd
I was diagnosed with autism in my undergrad career. It was wonderful to be able to understand myself and my needs and do so in a place where I felt safe. But I was sheltered in undergrad, fortunate enough to have a professor open about being ND. 2/
I connected with them more than other students did, not realizing why other students didn’t. And now I continue my journey in higher ed, facing extreme ableism from my PI. I want to make it clear that my PI is a genuinely good person, but is incapable of seeing ableism. 3/
Read 8 tweets
Anonymous Story #17 - Betrayal

We will be posting this story as a thread below, but if you'd prefer to read it as a blog, you can do that.
[blog post]

#DisabledInHigherEd #DEHEM21 #DisInHigherEd
Close to the end of my program, my health was getting much worse with no clarity as to why. I found myself struggling in school, so I visited a faculty counselor to help me try to get through the last chunk of my program and graduate as smoothly and quickly as possible. 2/
Part of these visits was explaining why I was having difficulty, and that my experiences had led to me being disillusioned with the program.

​During this time, a classmate I worked with in a group project plagiarized their portion of the work. 3/
Read 5 tweets
Anonymous Story #16 - Waste of Resources

We will be posting this story as a thread below but if you'd prefer to read it as a blog you can do that
[blog post]…

#DisabledInHigherEd #DEHEM21 #DisInHigherEd
...this is difficult for me to talk about. I'm chronically ill. I recently graduated with my PhD after 8 years in graduate school. I thought the best way to receive accommodations during graduate school would be to talk to the disabled students office–I was wrong. 2/
As a graduate student, because I was technically an employee, they could only help with accommodations for classes (which I ended up not needing accommodations for). 3/
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Why are so many accommodations being denied at UW-Madison? I personally know a handful of disabled faculty, students & staff who have had accommodations denied or who have had alternate (cheaper) accommodations offered that do not address their main concerns. #AcademicAbleism
As a member of the Disability Studies Initiative, a disability studies scholar & a disabled faculty member myself, I am extremely concerned by the stories I’m hearing. I am also putting in a extra, behind the scenes labor to try to advocate for folks & provide emotional support.
Disabled people and our allies at this institution are tired, angry & on the edge of being forced out entirely. The university is not meeting even the barest standards of the ADA despite what previous press suggested.
Read 4 tweets
I am preparing to explain, for the umpteenth time, why disabled students need disabled mentors (rather than nondisabled “peer” mentors) to teach us how to navigate accommodations, disclosure, and #AcademicAbleism. #DisInHigherEd
If you have had one or several #DisabilityMentors who shaped your experience of disability pride, community, and #DisInHigherEd, please share and use the hashtag! #DisabilityTwitter #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter
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The disability community has many common terms/words that may not mean anything to newly disabled folx or allies. We've put together a list of some of these terms/equipment that people may regularly use! Disabled folx, let us know if we're missing any! #DEHEM #Disability101
1. Disability
There are many definitions for disability.
One of the most used is the CDC definition which has three dimensions to it:
1. Impairment
2. Activity limitation
3. Participation restrictions
This criterion is very broad/vague but this makes it slightly more inclusive.
However, this definition does not truly represent the dynamic nature of disability. Two people with the same type of disability can be affected in very different ways.

There is no one size fits all solution to anything got to do with disability.
Read 27 tweets
We are so excited to be sharing calls to action all October long. We’re a group of grad students promoting accessibility in higher ed. To kick off October, we'll be introducing ourselves to you in this thread. #NDEAM #DisInGradSchool 1/
@DisInGradSchool Since we want to build this community and get to know you, we also ask that you introduce yourselves as a reply to this thread. Don't forget the hashtags: #NDEAM and #DisInGradSchool.

Then, like and retweet folks to make this community cozy and supportive. 2/
@DisInGradSchool Hi I’m @Nicole_Lee_Sch I’m a PhD Candidate studying the history of disability, medicine, and welfare in early America. I look at how early disabled Americans resisted medicalization and secured resources despite increasing barriers to access. 3/
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It's #AutisticSpeakingDay and I don't have the energy for the long post that's in my head and heart right now.

But here's a short one.

Academic Violence:
1) at [conference], I listened to multiple panels describe autism as a tragedy. Something to pity. Autistic traits as something to avoid. Something to program out.

2) at [conference], I learned that if I don't tell interviewers I'm autistic, they won't hire me because I won't look at them right. If I tell them I'm autistic, they won't hire me because of assumptions that I'm not a team player.

Read 24 tweets
“All supposedly educated people have ceased to believe that the dead can become visible as spirits, and have made any such appearances dependent on improbably and remote conditions.” -Freud, The Uncanny #GhostlyMatters
What are the implications of the scholarly dismissal of the ghostly- on scholarship, on spirits, and on haunted academics and academies? #GhostlyMatters #AcademicAbleism
How do we- the haunting and haunted, the scholar and subject- reckon with ghosts that have been removed or ignored? #GhostlyMatters #AcademicAbleism
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Pulling some important quotes from (thesis-related) close reading of the @autselfadvocacy Navigating College handbook. #AutisticsInAcademia #helenreads
“Remember one thing: You made it to college because you have potential. You are in college because you demonstrated capability to get here.” -Samantha April Davis, Worth
“Consider applying to the disability office under a related condition, such as anxiety.” -Samantha April Davis, Self Accommodation

This is crucial for people who are self-dx and/or don’t have current documentation of certain disabilities.
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#WhyDisabledPeopleDropOut A thread. As a former faculty member, I have heard several colleagues complain about accommodations as being frivolous. If they are willing to say these things in front of a very visibly disabled colleague, what do they say behind closed doors? 1/
I regret very much being silent in my early career. I stayed silent because I was afraid to ask for meaningful accommodations for myself, because I was untenured. As progressed in my career, I became more vocal, and they became more silent. 2/
And then my disability progressed as I got older. I got a service dog, and some colleagues asked me if I got him because I wanted a dog at work... because I wasn’t *that* disabled. Then I had surgery after surgery every summer while others were conducting research. 3/
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Wtf?! This goes against the tenets of #disability studies, by critiquing #neurodiversity & making claims like “disability is not a ‘gift’ that anyone w/ an acute moral sense would give, celebrate, or fail to try to change in the direction of greater ability & less disability.”
Google doc pdf made available here:…
Maybe I’m extra salty this AM but I feel compelled to respond. Over HALF of the citations in this article are back to articles published by the lead author. How is that even permissible? How is this original research or thinking & not just inflammatory self-promotional BS?
Read 5 tweets
Thread alert! If you want to learn more in #disabilitystudies there are a lot of open access resources. Let’s start with Disability Studies Quarterly (, one of the leading journals in the field, which is 100% open access.
Other open acces journals include Disability in the Global South ( & Review of Disability Studies (with a delay:
I personally link to my articles on my website & anything that is behind a paywall I put up as soon as I’m allowed under the publishing contract. I particularly recommend the convo between @JulieMinich, Jina B. Kim & me in the open access journal Lateral.
Read 8 tweets
are we talking #AcademicAbleism? in that case lemme say a thing.

forcing disabled students out of your classes bc you can’t be bothered to accommodate them is a vile thing to do.
we need accommodations bc we can not reasonably (if at all) do certain things that abled ppl can do. not bc were lazy, or spoiled, or entitled. because we CANT.
disabled students have enough to deal with already. accommodations arent special treatment or privileges, they are quite literally the LEAST you can do to give disabled students a fighting chance at pursuing their field of choice.
Read 10 tweets

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