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Our discovery of mutations in the CIDEB gene that protect against liver disease is published in @NEJM, leading to possible #RNAi therapeutics for NASH by Regeneron & Alnylam. 🚨…

A short summary of the key findings 🧬🧵↓ ImageImage
Liver disease is a big unsolved problem:

1⃣ 1 in 3 adults globally have fatty liver, often due to #obesity.

2⃣ Liver inflammation due to fat (NASH) is becoming #1 cause of liver transplant.

3⃣No approved therapies.

Where can we find possible NASH targets?

➡️In our DNA! Image
Studies of common genetic variants found PNPLA3 (2008 - risk-increasing, and HSD17B13 (2018 – protective, variants associated with liver disease that are now potential #RNAi therapeutics currently in development. ImageImage
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1/2: Delighted to have attended the @NAWICJersey launch event yesterday eve; a real buzz & energy there.
One of my main strategic aims for #DECinJsy is to change perceptions, encouraging more girls &young women onto the course to pursue careers in the #builtenvironment & I’m… Image
2/2…excited to collaborate with so many inspirational practitioners there to help achieve this.
@DECinSchools |@ClassofYourOwn @LQS_DEC @MissHolland_DT
@skills_jersey | @d_roworth
@ROK_Group Image
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What a fantastic couple of days in #London for my Level 3 (A Level equivalent) #DEC students from @Highlands_JSY , courtesy of our Industry Adopter, @marcjanice Burton MBE / Garenne Group
Day1: @UK_CW : walking around the show, the stands, listening to talks and taking part in a @MOBIEhome workshop.
Day2: started with a morning at @SheppardRobson in Camden - overseeing some of SR’s work and background on their #JerseyCI ...
...Les Sablons case study with architect Tom Cran & partner Patricia De Isidoro
This was followed by a great visit to @gt_llp with talks and workshops with #projectmanager Jay Neil , #QS Gary Bibby , Jake, Dylan, Emily and, it would be fair to say, ...
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A multi-awarded illustrator and graphic designer is among the emerging Filipina directors to watch out for. #BreakTheBias #WomensHistoryMonth

We speak to award-winning filmmaker Gabriela Serrano on New Day | Watch here
Gabriela Serrano on making films: Illustration and graphic design were my primary interests growing up.... I had all these other interests I wanted to pursue but I wanted to stick to my strengths (1/2)
Gabriela Serrano: I went to the route of visual arts. In [one of my classes] I realized film can incorporate all these interests that I had (2/2)
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🧵1. #IPERN officially launched on #StPatricksDay 2021 so it's our 1st birthday today!🎂🚑☘ It's been quite a year - we've hosted 10 events featuring 49 speakers (31% International 🌍 65% Female 🚺). Presented at 3 conferences, secured 3 grants and launched 5 SIG! #IrishEMS
2. How it all began… we announced ourselves to the Twitter world on Feb 1st '21. In Ireland this is traditionally the start of Spring (#Imbolc) so a time for new beginnings. It’s also St. Brigid‘s Day our matron saint who Is renowned as a healer #IrishEMS
3. Our official #IPERN launch on #StPatricksDay 2021 featured a fantastic array of Irish researchers presenting "elevator pitches" of their work and also included best wishes from international friends & colleagues! #IrishEMS
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"I saw this course advertised on my friend's WhatsApp story. And I thought it would enable me to work with my husband in our garage." Rutuja, a student from our two-wheeler automotive program, shared her story. Theirs is the only garage in Kogil, #Kolhapur. #Breakthebias #IWD2022
Rutuja is happy to learn about vehicles and their parts from this course. In the beginning, she attended online lectures introducing her to the field and followed it by practical training at her garage. "I always wanted to work after my studies, and now is the opportunity!"
She adapted to the garage so well that her husband could open another garage in the city and spend half a day there while Rutuja attends to the customers here. "I can do a battery & horn check-up, change the break-line, and I am continuously learning new things", she says.
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Equality vs Equity: durable obstacles to equity: myths of neutrality, objectivity, colourblind, allwhite panels/#manels.
Big obstacle?
The gap betw principles & ‘how-to’. Why would those who have comfortably coexisted with, benefitted from, rationalized status quo, be the change?
Smart people admit there’s no level playing field.

Repeatedly reminded of fmr Bennington College prez Liz Coleman’s claim that when it comes to change, academe is often notable for “learned helplessness”.
If playing field isn’t level what is to be done?
Academe: path dependency
“Why don’t we have any fresh ideas around here?”

Reproduction of sameness impacts ideas, perspectives, creativity, innovation.
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"I remember the first day of my job. A group of 15 people came to our restaurant. I served them & earned their appreciation. I have learned many languages too. Apart from Marathi, I know Gujarati, Hindi, English & Nepali. This is the beauty of working in this industry. #IWD2022 Image
Nandini's professional journey began from Bhavnagar in #Gujarat & after working in #Nagpur & #Rajkot, she is currently working as Food and Beverage Manager at #Ahmedabad. Originally from #Yavatmal, #Maharashtra, she oversees operations at two properties in the city. #Breakthebias
She chose Pratham's #hospitality course at Ralegaon as a career option against her parents' wishes. "My parents were not ready. But I wanted to gain experience, work in different cities and see the outside world. And I am happy where I am", she says. #InternationalWomensDay2022
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Happy #IWD2022! Let's play a game... Can you spot what's wrong with this list of "intellectual giants" by @farnamstreet? 👀

Men don't hold a monopoly over impacting the world with their brilliant thinking. Here are 10 women that changed the world & their thinking strategies 👇 Image
01. Let's start with the obvious... Marie Curie, the first person to win two Nobel Prizes!

It’s an understatement to say that she profoundly impacted the world with her ideas, and there is a lot to learn from her approach to problem-solving 🧠
02. Next is Ada Lovelace, who was wildly imaginative, but also valued her relationships in the scientific community and frequently connected science and literature.

She inspired Alan Turing’s work on the first modern computers in the 1940s 🖥️✨
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Happy International Women’s Day. This year’s theme is #BreakTheBias and we know we’re just two of billions of women who are trying to find their rightful place in the world one day at a time. Image
Women have broken so many biases in education, across professions, in academia, in political and economic spheres, at home, in the city and in the village. They have also been harassed, brutalized, killed and their memories purposely distorted.
And yet, women continue to march on, forward and upward.

There is no doubt that our strength over millennia has brought us to this moment of glory and dissatisfaction. There is still a lot wrong with the world today when it comes to where women are, how they feel...
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🧵1/ Today is #InternationalWomensDay. If you havent done so please join @AvixaDiversity & @AVIXAWomen in our #BreakTheBias campaign. Words are powerful but mean little without action. Im blessed with many amazing women in my life who've inspired me and stood by me! #BTBinAV
2/ #Bias is one of most challenging things to fight because it needs you looking at yourself. Its awesome to be part of an initiative, its great to raise your voice but as we celebrate #IWD2022 please do not forget that even the smallest of actions can help.
3/ #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion are not "one and done" things. Its a process, a journey and there's going to be plenty of growth and evolution. Lets break down barriers, lets raise the wonderful women in our lives. My promise today is that I'll keep trying... everyday! #BTBinAV
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To a World Where We Are Seen. #IWD #BreakTheBias
We believe that achieving a world that is free of bias and discrimination starts with education. We remain committed to our Girls’ Education Program and would like to thank our donors @radiocacanft @BundleAfrica for their continuous support.
On Women’s Day, the social, political & economic achievements of women are celebrated around the globe. Gender discrimination continues to threaten the lives of women and girls everywhere, so while we celebrate achievements, we must also highlight consequential failures.
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This #IWD, we’re highlighting some of the great women journalists in the ICFJ network. Independent journalist @soul_restlesss is based in Kashmir. Much of her work explores issues of gender and how it intersects with health, conflict, social justice & human rights. #BreakTheBias
Nabi has written for @guardian, @techreview, @vice, @AJEnglish & more. Her stories are built around strong female characters, but she also writes about her culture and community, which she sees as a way to preserve her heritage. #IWD #BreakTheBias
“We [Kashmiris] are an ethnic group and we come from a minority background. We need to preserve our history, our language, and our cultural roots,” she said in a recent @IJNet interview:… #IWD #BreakTheBias
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⭕️ Physical threats
🤳 Online harassment
♀️ Lifelong misogyny

Women reporters now face more danger than ever both online and offline – just for doing their jobs.

On #IWD2022, here are 4⃣ ways the world can help celebrate and protect women journalists. 🧵 #BreakTheBias
1⃣ Tackle abuse

⭕️ Female journalists can experience daily intimidation, virtually and in real life.

From enforcing gender-sensitive policies in the newsroom to legal advice, guides from TRF, @UNESCO, @IWMF and @INSInews could help fight this problem.
2️⃣ Support to cover conflict

🇺🇦 The #Ukraine invasion has shown how crucial independent journalism is to fight misinformation.

🗣️ Women reporters are particularly vulnerable on the frontlines.

@pressfreedom share safety information to support them. ⬇️
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Women have become engines for economic growth.

#TheExchange speaks to the women who #breakthebias not only advancing the status of women in business but also helping the women around them and their community to break out of gender stereotypes and expectations.👇
Women in positions of power like @vonderleyen, @lagarde, @SecYellen, @NOIweala have shown they’re as capable as their male counterparts in running big, global organisations.

According to @Deloitte, women held 19.7% of board seats globally, up from 16.9% in 2018.
At the current rate of progress, when do you think will we see gender pay parity?
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💫 Happy International Womens’ day
Today we celebrate how far we’ve come, and acknowledge the work we still need to do for women in the workplace.
Over 87% of companies are highly committed to gender equality - @SullyandStan is one of them.

👉 We recently conducted a pay equity analysis based on gender, race and other factors

👉 We include a statement in all our job postings about our commitment to DEI
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I used to identify as a Feminist.
I looked to the examples of the suffragists who marched for equal voting rights
I looked to the examples of notable African women who fought for the right of the African girl child to access Education.
I looked to the examples of women everyday around me who despite the hurdles they faced, continuously achieved their goals.

But recently, those who claim to be Feminists are not people I want to identify with.
They are those who are fighting misogyny with misandry forgetting that two wrongs don’t make a right

They are those who are kicking against basic human decency, forgetting that we are all capable of making our choices
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♀️ It could now take 135 years for the world to achieve total gender equality, according to @wef.

This is up from 99 years in 2020, as COVID-19 and other crises set global progress back.

How did we get here? Here are 7⃣ shocking facts you need to know on #IWD22.🧵 #BreakTheBias
💼 More women lost their jobs than men during the pandemic.

⏪ The @WEF called this a "she-cession" as it reversed many gains that women had made in the workplace.

⏰ It also means closing the global gender gap will now take an extra 36 years.
💰 Women are still paid less than men for equal jobs.

🇬🇧 In the UK, women are only paid £92.10 for every £100 men earn.

🇪🇺 The pay gap is almost double that across the EU, with men earning up to 14% more than full-time female employees.
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Today is #IWD2022 this year’s theme is #BreakTheBias - which I am going to celebrate with a thread of ten amazing women I have encountered in UK Agriculture & academia through my work as a farmer, PhD researcher, with @PastureForLife & as Co-founder of Regen Women on the Land.
First up - the marvellously charismatic, passionate and extremely knowledgeable @DrDowhittle - what an incredible force for good in the ag and vet sectors 🙌
Next is @CowNorfolk of @OldHallFm - who has been leading the change from commodity food production to localised, short supply chains with her gorgeous #JerseyGodesses
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On #InternationalWomensDay2022 I want to highlight that there is still a very real gender-based disparity in STEM by looking at the facts. These issues need to be addressed if we are to ever equity...a thread 🧵

Women in STEM are:
Cited less (papers cited 5.6 times on average compared men at 7.2) and whilst the difference may be small, long term cumulative effects of this have huge impact through the promotions process.…
Harassed more. Nearly 50% of women in science, 58% of women in academia and 43% of female STEM graduates report experiencing harassong behaviours.…
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Pagi tadi, Monster Oligarki bergerak di kawasan Thamrin membayangi para perempuan yang menyuarakan pesan perubahan dalam rangka International Women’s Day 2022 (08/03).

#IWD2022 #BreakingTheBias #PerempuanMelawanKrisisIklim
Aksi ini mengingatkan kita bahwa perempuan adalah garda terdepan dalam perlawanan terhadap pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang eksploitatif, sistem pembangunan yang patriarkis, serta rakus lahan dan air yang bersemayam di dalam watak Oligarki.

#IWD2022 #PerempuanMelawanKrisisIklim
Perempuan memperjuangkan hak-hak mereka yang hilang akibat konflik sumber daya alam dan perampasan lahan yang terus terjadi selama ini.

Seperti perjuangan perempuan di Kodingareng yang melawan penambangan pasir.…

#IWD2022 #PerempuanMelawanKrisisIklim
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Today I learned that the world’s most visited International Women’s Day website is operated by a shadowy for-profit London-based marketing agency called Aurora run by an Australian woman accused of serious workplace bullying.
Each year Aurora suggests a banal but catchy hashtag/theme — this year #BreakTheBias — adopted by corporate breakfasts everywhere, overshadowing the UN proposed theme — this year to do with women and climate change.
There is genuine confusion over the role of Aurora in #IWD. Given the prominence of their site in google searches — I’m kind of in awe at how good they are at SEO — many assume they’re official. See this piece by @niltiac…
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