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Mar 15th 2023
@amanpour @kajakallas Canned meat distributed by the #Ukrainian #Nazi A. #Gramanchuk with fascist symbols such as the shield of the Ucronazi collabrs and the colors of the OUN-UPA, on the label it says: "#meat of Russian-speaking #babies"
Alluding to dead children in #Donbas
@amanpour @kajakallas Thread 19
FROM: #Marin in #Nazi -funeral #Ukraine | Mar 7, 2023
TO: #Kotsyubaylo eliminated | Mar 7, 2023
- when the #Americans visited the positions in #Avdiivka, he said that he was feeding the tamed #wolf "the #bones of #Russian-speaking #children.
Read 70 tweets
Dec 7th 2022
"Find, #buy, & save money on your #local
"Marlborough Auto Insurance, Marlborough Business Insurance, & Marlborough Home Insurance at Lunova Insurance":

Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195… #MarlboroughMA #LunovaInsurance"
Learn more #about finding lower "#Marlborough MA Auto & Business Insurance, at Lunova Insurance":

Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195 #MarlboroughMA #LunovaInsurance #MarlboroughAutoInsurance #MarlboroughBusinessInsurance
Read 19 tweets
Nov 21st 2022
Explore our Lunova #insurancelocaloptions for "#Commercial Liability Auto & Property Insurance in MA" (Boston, Framingham, Marlboro, Worcester MA), with "business insurance agents at Lunova Insurance":…… #Insurance #BusinessInsurance
Learn #about our independent auto, home, and business owners' insurance agents in Marlborough, #NEAR "Route 20 in Marlborough Massachusetts 01752" with "Lunova Marlborough Insurance Agents" #online for the best free insurance rates:…
"Find our #localMiddlesex County Massachusetts Insurance agency for great "auto, home, and business insurance in Framingham MA", with #our "Lunova Framingham MA Insurance Agents", #online at #LunovaInsurance:… #InsuranceFramingham"
Read 11 tweets
May 17th 2022
"Material" Sector $XLB/$ZPDM einer der kleinsten Sectoren im $SPX . Attraktives P/E, Dividendenrendite 2.x% Gewinnwachstum auf Tech Niveau. Zukunftsfantasie mit Werten wie $LIN $APD $ALB Rohstoff Firmen wie $NEM $FCK, Kakerlaken Bekämpfer, Wasserschutz, Gesundheit: $ECL
Ebenfalls in $XLB $NUE eines der führenden Recyclingunternehmen der USA, Stahlgewinnung aus Schrott mit modernen Verfahren. $CTVA hilft der Landwirtschaft um mehr Ertrag zu bekommen. Merk Dir den Namen Corteva, PE schon bei 24. Zu $LIN & $APD ist bzgl Wasserstoff alles gesagt.
IMHO $XLB derzeit #Buy Sector mit überschaubaren Risiko. Er bietet viele Antworten für Probleme der Zeit, ist noch nicht gehypyt wie Energie. Es gibt günstige ETF mit 0.15% (günstig nur für NON-US :-)) wie den $ZPDM füllt $SPY $VUSA auf diesem untergewichteten Bereich super auf. extra etf zpdm
Read 4 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
It's weekend and it's the end of the month. The #markets are closed.

So there is the perfect time to analyze the #momentum & relative #strength of the markets.

This information is relevant for all #investors, but especially for #trend #followers 📈📈📈


The #momentum of the markets are one of the most powerful forces in the evolution of the #asset #prices.

The #reversion to the mean is the opposite force, which is equally powerful. Momentum works on a short and medium term (up to 3 to 5 years).
There is a ton of academic research related to the momentum and the benefits of using it and relative strength. But presenting it this is not the purpose of this #thread.

Relative strength is actually a comparison between the #momentum of two or more #markets.
Read 35 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
#games free spins and a rewarding Wheel bonus. Plus, this title includes a Bonus #buy feature that takes players directly into the bonus at a cost of 75x bet. Launched at the end of 2020 BountyPop™ is built on a similar concept and enriched with the same set of extras,… In a November 2020 interview with one of the largest gaming portals out there, Marcus Honney said “PopWins™ is something that's likely to become part of our DNA and will be a regular feature of future releases for now”. Well, that makes perfect sense –… this mechanic seems to create more value for online slot players. Needless to say, the gambling community can’t wait to hit the reels of TikiPop™, the fifth game in the series. Apart from a hefty maximum win of $1,600,000, it
Read 7 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
#CPR is an indicator which is used for #Intraday in Stock Market.

This learning thread would be on
"𝙐𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝘾𝙋𝙍"

Like❤️& Retweet🔁for wider reach and for more such learning thread in the future.

Also, an investment strategy is shared using CPR in the end.

Central Pivot Range (CPR) acts like a magnetic level for any stock/index. Traders use it for intraday but it works on higher time frame as well.
CPR is just the three lines which is like a magnet and price approaches these levels. CPR acts like a support or resistance.

What are these three lines now?

𝗣𝗶𝘃𝗼𝘁 = (High + Low + Close)/3
𝗕𝗖 = (High + Low)/2
𝗧𝗖 = (Pivot – BC) + Pivot

For intraday chart use previous day candle HLC. Similarly, for Daily Chart it would be Monthly HLC. For Weekly/Monthly Chart use Yearly HLC.

Read 24 tweets
Mar 26th 2021
Ok les kheys je vous la donne mais attention: ne foncez pas tête baissée & faites vos propres recherches svp😉

Je viens d'entrer sur $GOAT (déjà car j'aime bien le nom mdr) de / @Goatcha_io


- #NFT marketplace
- bon reward pour les holders #DeFi Image
Ensuite parce que malgré le prix qui a bien pump suite à la news de ce matin, je considère qu'on est mega early dessus avec - de 250 holders à date qui se partagent 999 $GOAT & un MC de - de 2M

(pardon pour les 1.2M du dernier tweet, je matais CoinGecko qui ne doit pas MAJ) Image
De quelle news je parle?

De leur partenariat avec @dittomoney_ qui est déjà très installé sur la #BSC avec une vraie commu derrière

Cette association déjà très solide peu en amener d'autres je pense

& surtout je peux dire que je suis $GOAT maintenant😂

Read 6 tweets
Jul 31st 2020
Mau memulai Investasi #Saham secara mandiri (bukan dititip/dikelola oleh pihak lain)?

Selain mempelajari #edukasi yang kami bahas, langkah yang harus kamu lakukan adalah membuka Akun RDI (Rekening Dana Investasi) pada Sekuritas.

Sebuah #utas

#Investasi #PahamSaham #Thread
Untuk bisa berinvestasi saham secara mandiri, kamu harus membuka Akun RDI di Perusahaan Sekuritas

Akun ini nantinya yang akan kamu pakai untuk melakukan transaksi #jualbeli / #trading di pasar saham

Semua kamu kendalikan sendiri. At your own hand.

#BEI #IDX #BursaEfekIndonesia
Bagaimana caranya?
Tidak susah kok.

Hampir mirip dengan proses buka rekening tabungan/deposito

Cukup siapkan dokumen seperti ktp, npwp, dan mengisi data diri.

Serta siapkan dana untuk setoran awal di akun RDI.

Setoran awal ini sebagai saldo/deposit kamu untuk membeli saham
Read 16 tweets
Nov 30th 2019
#ITM Vs #OTM #Options Which to #BUY?

When selecting the right #option to #buy, a #trader has several choices to make. One is whether to purchase an in-the-money (ITM) or out-of-the-money (OTM) option.
While the goal for "#vanilla" #buyers is to have the option be in the money at expiration, the selected option depends on the amount the trader wants to spend and their risk tolerance, as well as their specific expectations for the underlying stock.

Before delving into the pros and cons of each, let's look at what it means to be itm or otm.
A #call is ITM when the underlying stock is trading above the strike price.
Conversely it is OTM when the underlying stock is trading below the strike price
Read 16 tweets

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