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Feb 22nd 2023
I'm at the courthouse in #ColoradoSprings for the preliminary hearing of the alleged #ClubQ shooter. The suspect is charged with more than 300 counts, and the hearing is scheduled for three days.

I'll thread updates here throughout the day.
@DenverChannel Image
The shooting happened at the LGBTQ bar days before Thanksgiving. Five people were killed and more than a dozen injured.

The hearing is scheduled to start at 8:30.

Affidavit breakdown:…
If you're wondering what a preliminary hearing is, it's when prosecutors must prove to the judge there's enough evidence for a trial.

Rich Fierro and his family just arrived. Wyatt Kent, who was in a relationship with Daniel Aston, is here too.…
Read 53 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
1 in 4 flippers sold their homes for LESS $$$ than expected in our 4Q22 survey. Elevated rates and falling home prices are scaring buyers wary of buying on the way down, but investors are clearly looking to acquire now and refinance later. 🧵Flipper comments to follow ->
#Austin flipper: “Austin has an overinflated housing market that is compounded by elevated interest rates. This has resulted in a downward spiral in qualified buyers. The fix and flip market is pretty much gone. Prices in most areas are down about -30% or more in recent months.”
#Baltimore flipper: “We’re looking forward to a big 2023. I hate to say it, but a lot of it’s going to be on the backs of consumers with hardships, or circumstances where they have no other options. But that’s our bread and butter.”
Read 25 tweets
Nov 24th 2022
#ColoradoSprings j'ai vu des débats sur l'identité sexuelle et de genre du suspect sur les réseaux.

Des LGBT refusent catégoriquement l'idée que le tireur présumé ne soit pas un classique mec hétéro.

Vrai ou faux, peu importe mais au-delà de ce gars, il y a un truc à penser🔽
Les minoritaires en genre/sexualité sont pris dans des conflits de loyauté:

-envers famille, religion, idéal national (c'est pas mal documenté)

-mais aussi vis-à-vis des communautés queer organisées autour de sociabilités, de politique, et ça même sans forcément les fréquenter
Même en se tenant à l'écart de ces milieux, il me semble* que les espaces/personnes queer relativement médiatisés sont une "référence" par rapport à laquelle se définir (avec ou sans; pour ou contre)

*bcp de choses me font avoir cette hypothèse-là, mais trop long à détailler ici
Read 22 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
Der Täter von #ColoradoSprings ist NICHT männlich.
They hat their Anwälte bekannt geben lassen, dass they NON-BINARY ist.

Es tut mir leid, dass ich Mx. Aldrich misgendert habe.
Ob es sich um einen juristischen "Trick" handelt, um eine Anklage als "hate crime" zu vermeiden oder ob es sich um einen legitimen performativen Sprechakt handelt, kann bislang nicht geklärt werden.
In diesem und auch in allen weiteren Fällen wäre es besser, wenn man auf Schuldzuweisungen, insbesondere absurder Art (Screenshot via @finally_estelle) unterlässt und darauf verzichtet, verachtenswerte Verbrechen zu instrumentalisieren. Image
Read 4 tweets
Nov 22nd 2022
This is important. Conversion therapy advocate, Stella O'Malley, offers "training" to psychotherapists, teachers & others. The professional organisations & unions need to get the hell off the fence & start protecting young LGBT people from these abhorrent practices! @IACP_ie
It is abhorrent for this event to go ahead in a week when 2 trans people & 3 others have been killed in an #LGBT bar, along with 3 others, & a trans woman was one of those who risked her own life to save others! Please let the organisers know how you feel!
We need to STOP THIS NOW! Stella O'Malley's allegedly "up-to-date thinking" has helped fuel a climate where trans rights are being rolled back in Florida, in Texas & in Britain. Her activities expose LGBT people, especially young LGBT people to grave danger. #EndConversionTherapy
Read 11 tweets
Nov 22nd 2022
"Red Flag laws allow authorities to seize weapons if the person poses a threat to others. gunmen made bomb threats and was charged with kidnapping... not about mental health—all about guns" @glennkirschner2 on @StephMillerShow #ColoradoSprings
"republicans will continue to worship at the altar of unrestricted access to assault rifles and they'll continue to let the blood money flow to their coffers" @glennkirschner2 on @StephMillerShow
on SC: "folks speak highly enough about Jack Smith's determination holding criminals accountable. he was in public integrity; someone who went against politicians without fear or favor. give me that type of prosecutor any day of the week" @glennkirschner2 on @StephMillerShow
Read 6 tweets
Nov 21st 2022
I mourn the mass murder of LGBTQ people in Colorado and send my love to all my LGBTQ students, family, and colleagues everywhere.

I am saddened to learn the shooter was a member of my LDS faith community.
I condemn his hateful action and any and all hate directed at my queer brothers and sisters, including words of those of my faith.

Even and especially because we do not have class this week, I want you to know that my classroom and office will always be a safe space.
A brave space where all can come to thrive, not just survive.

God loves all his children, and we should feel godly sorrow.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
Today is the Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day where we pause to reflect on those members of the transgender community lost to acts of violence. Today is especially raw due to the anti-LGBTQ terrorist attack at #ClubQ in #ColoradoSprings. Image
There aren’t the proper words to express the anger and sadness that senseless violence like this causes within a community. It is also important to remember that these types of targeted attacks have long lasting consequences that extend well beyond those directly targeted.
We view events like these as proof that we need to continue in our efforts to support those in the #LGBTQ+ community as they navigate the complex and powerful emotions they’re experiencing.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
Armi e pregiudizi: la strage di #ColoradoSprings 🧵
L'evento interrotto dallo stragista era una celebrazione del Transgender Day of Remembrance, che onora la memoria delle persone che hanno perso la vita a causa della violenza anti-transgender/1
Quelli classificati come "mass shootings", in cui 4 o più persone - escluso chi spara - vengono ferite o uccise, sono state in media più di una al giorno nel 2022. Alcuni, naturalmente, riguardano il crimine/2. #ColoradoSprings
Il Colorado è il primo Stato ad aver eletto un governatore uomo omosessuale (l'Oregon ha eletto una donna), nello stato, dicono le organizzazioni LGBTQ i diritti sono garantiti più che altrove./3
Read 9 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
@altheanetworks was at the IGI Conference in  #coloradosprings last week discussing all things Construction and Connectivity! 👷🏽🤝
The jobsite has seen growth in software solutions and connected devices, but the connectivity hasn't kept pace.
1/3 🧵
Smart devices and #IOT innovation are speeding development. Connectivity 🤝 is still a major pain point which is fueling significant demand for @AltheaNetwork #keyLTE.
2/3 🧵
@AltheaNetwork is a purpose built solution for Connectivity, even in the most challenging environments. Join us in discord to learn more
3/3 🧵
Read 3 tweets
Jul 11th 2022
June home builder sentiment and survey results are in. Top themes: 1) A lot more new home buyers cancelling. 2) Price cuts becoming fairly common. 3) Drop in demand finally cooling construction cost pressures (builder layoffs also happening). Market commentary to follow…
#Atlanta builder: “Someone turned out the lights on our sales in June!”
#Austin builder: “Sales have fallen off a cliff. We’re selling 1/3 of what we sold in March and April. Trades are more willing to negotiate pricing since market has adjusted significantly past 60 days.”
Read 22 tweets
Apr 22nd 2022
Current wind gusts in #NM at 4/22/22 12:25 in ABQ Image
Current wind gusts in #CO Image
Read 7 tweets
Jan 11th 2022
Home builder survey results are in for full month of December. Top themes: 1) Still a ton of demand for new homes. 2) Rampant construction material & labor shortages. 3) Bit of chatter on possible margin compression several quarters ahead. Market commentary to follow…
#Atlanta builder: “Have virtually no available inventory & huge backlog of 1,000+ units going in to 2022. Still metering sales in most communities, where the demand of waiting buyers still outnumbers our supply.”
#LasVegas builder: “Busiest orders for December I can remember in a long time.”
Read 27 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
Fresh October home builder survey results. Top themes: 1) Builders are finally lifting sales caps (though not all). 2) Lack of lots & land development delays will hold back growth in 2022. 3) Most builders expect prices to keep rising. Market commentary to follow…
#ColoradoSprings builder: “One cautious trend to watch is single-family rental businesses paying more for land than builders. This will suck up trade capacity & supply at a time we can't afford it.”
#Denver builder: “Traffic & sales definitely slowing down, but also following a more seasonal pattern as compared to 2020. Resale inventory is still historically low. Rents are skyrocketing again.”
Read 25 tweets
Sep 9th 2021
I’m heading to #LeteciaStauch’s preliminary hearing, where prosecutors must prove to the judge there’s enough evidence to take the case to trial.

She’s accused of killing her 11-year-old stepson, #GannonStauch, on Jan. 27, 2020. @KOAA

What we know ➡️…
The preliminary hearing has been pushed back several times; it was originally scheduled for mid-March, before #Stauch waived her right to counsel and decided to represent herself. She then reversed that decision, and will now be represented by Josh Tolini.

While #Stauch was representing herself, the prosecution released their witness list for the preliminary hearing.

Out of the seven names listed, five are from the El Paso County Sheriff's Office, and one is from the FBI. Harley Hunt, Stauch's daughter, is also on the list. Image
Read 159 tweets
Aug 20th 2021
Just surveyed 6,000+ real estate agents across country. Top themes from our 1st ever RESALE agent survey: 1) Buyer fatigue, w/rumblings of remorse. 2) Bidding wars a bit less bonkers. 3) Cash is King & ton of investors. 4) Inventory gridlock. Commentary across country to follow…
#LosAngeles agent: “20-minute allotted home viewing time slots with offers due next day by noon, & buyers are asked to give up every contingency under the sun.”
#NYC agent: “Luxury home buyers feel the market is overpriced & have backed off.”
Read 24 tweets
Jul 5th 2021
Analyzing June new home sales & pricing figures from our monthly builder survey. As one builder noted: “It’s not fun to be a builder anymore.” Lumber relief is nice but pick your poison on other issues. Market commentary from across the country to follow...
#Richmond builder: “It's not fun to be a builder anymore. Cost pressure is killing us. Not only will builders like myself who take 12-24 months to build a house lose margin from increases, but the affordability is becoming a major issue.”
#Atlanta builder: “Costs have driven up prices & we’re no longer preselling. We will not sell a home until frame stage, so our sales numbers are off for June while awaiting framing stage.”
Read 26 tweets
Jun 9th 2021
New home sales fell in May, Y/Y & M/M. Theme of the month was sales decline by builder design. Few comments on demand slowing or skittish buyers, even w/new home prices +18% Y/Y nationally (survey record). Builder commentary from across the country per our survey to follow...
#Nashville builder: “Gapped out. Sales resume in June as new communities & phases start to open. By moving ability to contract on inventory homes later to finished drywall stage (window installation stage previously), expect sales to show continued decline. Decline by design.”
#Charlotte builder: “Paused sales from mid-May to mid-June in all communities & will selectively release homes for sale in the last 2 weeks of June & coming months. Sales look lower vs. last month but was capped due to limited lot availability & no inventory.”
Read 28 tweets
Jan 25th 2021
A little snow in #ColoradoSprings made our bighorn sheep spectacular today. @COParksWildlife is baiting the Rampart herd daily as it prepares to capture about 20 to relocate in Beaver Creek Canyon south of Victor to establish a new herd. Here are some photos and videos. (1 of 11)
The predecessor agency to @COParksWildlife was the first in the U.S. to capture and relocate bighorn sheep in 1944 after they were hunted to near extinction in the 1800s-1900s. Today, we have about 7,000 Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep in Colorado. (2/11)
After a snowfall, the Rampart bighorn sheep herd in #ColoradoSprings was feeling feisty. Look closely as one ram launches from a tall rock with a ewe close behind. (3/11)
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Mar 24th 2020

So, today, I'm declaring a #SocialMedia #War on you. Your #PrinthouseParkway location is a #clusterfuck of carelessness and stupidity.
Daughter was seen there by a Nurse Practitioner on the 10th of March.

NP provided two scripts, to be transmitted electronically, including a steroid and pain relief.
Daughter went to pick up scripts.

No scripts.

Oh, there's a record, according to @Walmart pharmacy in #ColoradoSprings. They say, electronic record shows that @PVCHC #cancelled the scripts.

Ten days to get transmitted electronically?
Cancelled scripts?
Read 21 tweets
Mar 15th 2020
A thread about COVID-19, asking young people including US college students to please stay home despite all the temptations and the low mortality rate for young people so far.
One person I know has already died and now at least 4 are sick because of transmission at a duplicate bridge club in my home town. This thread shows data from a study of transmission in a mall in China.
This is from a study published in Emerging Infectious Disease on March 12, 2020. The authors studied a chain of transmission in Wenzhou, China (which is not in the Wuhan quarantine area).
Read 25 tweets
Sep 19th 2019
See this bobcat? Notice its large teeth? Imagine the claws within its big paws. A #ColoradoSprings woman picked up this injured wild cat and put it in her car where her child was seated! NEVER PICK UP WILD ANIMALS. She was lucky. Please call @COParksWildlife and let us handle.
@COParksWildlife We removed the bobcat, which was mortally wounded. Luckily, it was too injured to react to being picked up and placed in a car. But no one should EVER try this. This could have been tragic.
@COParksWildlife This is the sight that greeted @COParksWildlife officer Sarah Watson when she responded to a call about an injured bobcat on Wednesday. An unrestrained wild bobcat in the back of an SUV under a blanket. A child's car seat was just feet away. NEVER PICK UP WILDLIFE!
Read 4 tweets

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