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Jul 23rd 2021
#HTNumberTheory | More needs to be done if India wants to achieve its stated target of vaccinating its entire adult population of 940 million by the end of 2021.

By @naalmot | #COVIDVaccination…
#HTNumberTheory | Daily jabs are off their peak, but still higher than before

In the past week, the pace of #COVIDvaccinations has increased again. While it is still short of the peak of 6.39 million, it is significantly higher than what it was before.… Image
#HTNumberTheory | The current pace needs to increase to meet the December 31 deadline

India’s adult population, as on March 1, is 940 million. This means that 65% of the adult population has not received even one dose of vaccines until now. #CovidVaccine… Image
Read 5 tweets
Jun 17th 2021
[Thread] 1. What do we know so far from @HealthZA about #CovidVaccinations for school staff:
1. 300 000 #JnJ jabs will be in SA by Fri (tomorrow)
2. Another batch from the US will arrive next week (nr of doses = not yet known)
3. Vaccinations will start on Wed, 23 Jun
2. Who qualifies?
1. All school staff (so not just teachers, cleaners, etc too) will be covered, regardless of age
2. Both public and private schools qualify
3. @healthza says between 550 000 and 580 000 staff need to be vaccinated.
3. When do the jabs expire?
@healthza says = 11 August (the FDA and Sahpra have approved an extension from 28 June to 11 August), but the aim is to try and vaccinate school staff within 10 days.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 1st 2021
[Thread] 1. SUNDAY #VaccineRolloutSA figures:
* Total #Pfizer doses by end of Sun: 490 680 (everyone still needs a 2nd shot, 42 days after the 1st one)
* Pfizer doses given on Sun: 2 129
* Pfizer doses from 24 May (Mo) - 30 May (Su): 318 820 (vs. the previous week's 171 860)
2. What's the total number of #CovidVaccinations we've done so far?
* #Pfizer: 490 680 (these people aren't fully vaccinated, they still need second shots)
* #JandJ (via #Sisonke): 479 768 (these #HealthWorkers are fully vaccinated)
* Total nr of Pfizer and J&J shots: 970 448
3. How many #Pfizer doses do we have? @healthza's Nicholas Crisp says:
- 1.3 mil have been distributed to sites
- We had used +/- 500 000 by Sun, so we had +/- 700 000 left
- We got 636 000 more on Mon. They can only be used in a wk's time after quality testing had been done
Read 5 tweets
May 19th 2021
[Thread]. 1. How many #CovidVaccine doses has #VaccineRolloutSA administered so far?
1. 480 665 (#Sisonke, #JandJ) + 77 505 (Phase1B and #Phase2, #Pfizer) = 558 170
2. NB: For Pfizer the 77 505 are just the 1st of 2 doses, so those people have not yet been fully vaccinated.
2. The number of people getting their 1st #Pfizer dose today = 38 134. That means in one day (Wed) we vaccinated as many people as in the previous two days (Mon + Tu = 39 371), so we're picking up speed.
3. The total number of #Sisonke #CovidVaccinations has increased by 897 (from 479 768 to 480 665), probably because of final vaccination data that was coming in after the trial had ended.
Read 3 tweets
Mar 21st 2021
On #FaceTheNation, Trump's #WarpSpeed chief Moncef Slaoui now trying to claim credit for @POTUS @JoeBiden's success w/ #COVID19vaccinations.

Reminder: Trump wanted much lower $$ for #vaccines R&D. Congress went higher with $8.3B/rejected Trump's $2.5B.…
Another reminder: Trump had no idea #NIH & $MRNA had started on a #COVID19 vaccine in mid-January 2020 based on research funded by the @BarackObama administration.…

Trump himself claims he first heard of #coronavirus in late January.

#FaceTheNation #FTN
Also, NIH & U.S. companies were long into #COVID19 #vaccines R&D before Moncef Slaoui came on the scene with Operation #WarpSpeed.

Slaoui doing a lot of rewriting of history on #FaceTheNation today.

#FTN #COVID19vaccines #COVID19 #COVIDvaccinations #OWS
Read 4 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
This happening today: Confirmation of @XavierBecerra to lead #HHS.

Will @POTUS @JoeBiden soon thereafter identify his nominee to lead #FDA?

#pharma #biotech
Also today, #NIH Fauci, @CDCDirector Walensky & #FDA Peter Marks are back on Capitol Hill -- virtually -- today along with @DavidAKesslerMD to testify this time at @HELPCmteDems on #COVID19 starting at 10amET… #COVIDvaccinations #vaccines #CDC
The House @AppropsDems Commerce, Justice, Science & Related Agencies Subcommittee also examines #COVID19 outbreaks at federal prisons at 2pmET… #MaskUp
Read 77 tweets
Mar 16th 2021
At @WNCathedral, @NIHDirector Francis Collins notes he's been at his "home office where I have essentially been a hermit for the last 12 months trying to manage the largest supporter of biomedical research in the world."

#COVID19 #vaccines #COVIDvaccinations
.@NIHDirector Francis Collins: We all need hope at this time. But hope alone is not a strategy.

#COVID19 #vaccines #COVIDvaccinations #NIH #science
Read 8 tweets
Feb 21st 2021
[Thread] 1. How many #HealthWorkers has SA vaccinated so far with the 80 000 Johnson & Johnson #CovidVaccinations that arrived this week? By the end of Saturday, 21 Feb, 10 000, according to the health department (there are 1.25 million workers, so many more to go).
2. So how are the #Covid jabs split between the private and public sector? 70% goes to the public sector and 30% to the private sector.
3. If you work in the private healthcare sector, you have to get your jab at one of the public hospital vaccinated sites for now. You can find one of the 18 operating sites here (they will be expanded to include private sites as we get more vaccines):
Read 7 tweets

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