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@XAVIAERD #BillGates. He's an #evil, #hypercritical, #genocidal #Maniac, masquerading as a Philanthropist!

Everybody thinks he was the #BigCheese of #ComputerSoftware. That's not true, either. I was privileged to program on Digital Equipment (#DEC) Computers ...
When I programmed #DEC #Computers, running #DEC #Software, #computing was fun. I loved it. Then along comes #BillGates with #MSDos, which I believe he ripped off anyway, and suddenly everyone's talking #ComputerViruses! ...
Whether he's creating #ComputerViruses or sponsoring #DrAnthonyFauci to use #GainOfFunctionResearch to create #Covid19 or dumping #crap in the skies with #Chemtrails or scheming to #Lockdown the entire world or selling poisonous #vaccines #BillGates is shitting on #TheWholeWorld!
Read 5 tweets
There's a lot of hype today around #DeFi 2.0

Can't expect degens to ignore 500,000+% #APY..

If you're considering investing in protocols like $OHM, $TIME, $KLIMA, $SPA, $HEC then read on for some #hopium, warnings and a #spreadsheet to help you make the most of it.. 🪡 👇
2/ These DeFi 2.0 protocols offer enormous APY (Sometimes in the millions of %). Here are the current APYs of some projects:

- $OHM - 6,982.4% ($ETH)
- $TIME - 78,325.2% ($AVAX)
- $KLIMA - 59,722% ($MATIC)
- $SPA - 239,674.5% ($FTM)
- $HEC - 320,713.2% ($FTM)

Sound juicy? 🧃 🤑
3/ Here's a great video by @WhiteboardCryp1:

And another by @finematics:

I won't get into the mechanics of these protocols here, but I want to share a spreadsheet I created to help you understand the upside / downside.
Read 14 tweets
8/13 Texas C19 Pos%, Case, Hosp & Fatality Update:


Highlights for 8/13:

1) PCR Pos% rate of growth new low, but no nose over
2) Case rate of growth up, but going up against big Saturday comp tomorrow
3) Hospitalizations - Ugh
4) Breakdown 144 reported fatalities

8/13 Rate of Growth Analysis:

** For Case & Hosps, Rate of growth is calculated by comparing Week over Week 7DMAs
* PCR Pos% rate of growth down to 2.5%. Stubborn bastard.
* Case rate of up some, to 17.7%. More in 3/n
* Hospitalization rate of growth down to 36.2%

8/13 Positivity Rates:

* PCR Pos% Rate of growth new low of 2.5%
* Angiten Pos% peaked 8/1. Revisions keep it at a 2 day bump up. Far cry from peak
* Harvard/Stanford/Georgetown sites show Rt continuing its decline. Both now at 1.23

Read 11 tweets
So this happened. Copy a song list from Virginia, and this is what you get. I will make a couple comments from my area of expertise (Science Education) about the Guiding Framework for K-12. It is available, Google it. #ABLeg
Like all guiding documents it is very non-specific. But, if you believe the UCP is trying to drive conservative bias into the K-12 curriculum there are some veritable freeways available. #ABLeg
First, the document recognizes

"Alberta has a world-renowned tradition of educational excellence."

Yes, it does. And that is partially due to the complex, strong and advanced curriculum presently used. The Minister's job should be not to mess it up. #ABLeg
Read 6 tweets
So this #Stupidity hits close to home. So a #discussion on #arsenicum album 30.
📌30 means 30 times diluted, standard for #Homeopathy
📌What is #diluted? ➡️ #Arsenic trioxide
📌#homeopath says only 0.443mg of compound per pellet
📌Thats #safety levels right? ➡️ NO.
Read on
#Arsenic whatever form, concentration, level, is #dangerous #harmful to #humans.
📌Even LOW DOSE intermediate to #long use can lead to #Cancer
📌Actually, many types of #Cancers - #skin, #liver, #bladder, #kidney, #lung
📌Those with #diabetes #heartdisease its #deathwish
📌NOT one proper #study on this #drug in #Medical #history
📌Read artilce @AltNewsScience debunking fake evidence:
📌#traditional use was in #diarrhea
📌#pseudoscience at its best
👇 Arsenic is As and not ARS
🔥Even though arsenicum album is #crap
Read 5 tweets
#BetterBonds shop charlatan, the cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam had her former account supressed for impersonation and stalking. She recently renamed her other account @BarefootRaRa into @CopingWithCovid to avoid being tracked by Twitter.
#RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam
Pakistani #BetterBonds shop charlatan, the #cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam is already identified by Twitter with INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR & STALKING + sharing PRIVATE conversations with her new Twitter ID @CopingWithCovid. #RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam #Hussaini
#Trump to force hoax is used to write "sad". Pakistani #BetterBonds shop charlatan, the #cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam @CopingWithCovid is smarter. She says she FORGIVES her victim. Lured people cannot imagine she is the tormentor. #RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam #Hussaini
Read 15 tweets
A thread to cover some of the major - and I mean seriously, shockingly major - gaps, mistakes and problems with the #environmental impact assessment for Montijo airport in #Portugal.

First up: no #fieldwork. AT ALL. 1/
That's right – the EIA of a major international #airport proposed for the country’s most important #wetland site for #bird #conservation didn’t bother to actually count any #birds.

Instead, they depended on studies already published for other reasons.

How did that work out? 2/
Well, the data on birds feeding in the #intertidal- the largest and most important #habitat in the #SPA- was collected in 2002-3.

In the 17 years since, the #Tagus has changed a lot for birds. Improved #water treatment but drastic increase in #shellfish harvesting. 3/
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