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1/7 🚨 #DataBreach Alert 🚨: Personal data of COVID-19 vaccine recipients in India has reportedly been leaked online via a bot on #Telegram. #CyberSecurity #PrivacyMatters Image
2/7 📲 The bot allowed users to input a mobile number and it would respond with personal info connected to the number, including name, gender, DOB, and vaccination center. #InfoSec #DataLeak Image
3/7 📂 The leaked data also includes personal info on several politicians and journalists. This is a serious breach of privacy with significant implications. #DataProtection #PrivacyRights
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El poder de los datos para #OSINT: ¿Qué tan expuesto está nuestra #HuellaDigital en Internet?, ¿cómo saber si he sido víctima de una filtración de datos (#Facebook, #Instagram, #Twitter?, ¿Qué medidas tomar?.

#databreach #dataleak #Ciberinteligencia #Socmint
1⃣ Sabe ud., ¿Qué tan expuesto está nuestra #HuellaDigital en Internet?

💥Es una pregunta que muchos tratan de omitir e ignorar... es por ello decido iniciar este🧵HILO, que por cierto espero que sea de agrado para uds., a fin de tomar conciencia de la peligrosidad digital. 🚨
2⃣ SAMUEL, era un estudiante de una Universidad de PERÚ 🇵🇪, decide contactar a Manuel, debido a que recibía muchos mensajes de correos electrónicos SPAM, así como también llamadas y hasta había sido víctima de suplantación digital en Instagram y Facebook (🚨¡ALARMANTE!)...

Read 18 tweets
[🚨CyberAlert, le compte à rebours est lancé pour la Bank Of Africa ! 10,000,000$ demandé comme rançon]

Après un nouveau balayage de quelques sites/forums du #darkweb dans la nuit, mes outils m'ont remonté et confirmé la #cyberattaque #boa #bmce ⤵️
💰💵Une rançon de 10,000,000$ est demandé pour supprimer les données de la #BOA. 10,000,000$ ou l'équivalent de ~6 129 007 000FCA... c'est beaucoup mais en en même temps pas beaucoup ! #dataleak #afrique #cybersécurité
Plus aucun doute, la filiale du #Mali du groupe #BankOfAfrica #BMCE a bien été attaquée ! (Leur communication laconique et "rocambolesque" rend caduque leur prise de position...)
Read 9 tweets
[#OSINT|#OPSEC|#DATALEAK] When you don’t renew a domain name that you use for email it creates the opportunity for a bad actor to take over accounts registered with email addresses at that domain.

Dataleaks allow a bad actor to use this attack vector at scale. Exporting unique domains from the email addresses, filtering by occurrence then running a whois service over the top of them is low effort.

A couple of years ago i spotted this with a senior developers Github account who was working at a well known tech company.

Generally speaking if you found a popular repo a bad actor could in theory introduce malicious code exploiting the dependency chain.

Read 6 tweets
#Infosec || Ciberseguridad: los ataques de la semana 🕵️

En apenas dos semanas se filtraron datos de cuatro entidades estatales en Argentina 🇦🇷

Afuera, passwords débiles (otra vez), instituciones de salud en la mira y arrestos de bandas de ciberdelincuentes 🧵 Image
#DataLeak || Esta semana recopilamos tres filtraciones recientes: Aerolíneas Argentinas, Ministerio de Salud y Justicia de Santa Cruz ✈️

Acá @santiago_pe1 cuenta qué dicen vender los lakers (y regalar en el caso de AR -está para descargar-) 👇…
#DataLeak || La cuarta víctima de la semana es una dependencia del Gobierno de Mendoza 👇

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🧵 | El grupo de Hacktivistas #Guacamayas ha comenzado a liberar información obtenida despues de haber comprometido los sistemas de varios gobiernos entre ellos: #Mexico #Peru #Chile #Colombia #Salvador 
Siendo el resultado de una operación llamada: #FuerzasRepresivas Image
La operación #FuerzasRepresivas tiene por objetivo comprometer sistemas de fuerzas militares y policiales de América Latina, para posteriormente filtrar información sensible que ejemplifique como los estados hacen uso de estos recursos para reprimir y someter a los pueblos. Image
La primera filtración pertenece al Estado Mayor Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas de Chile. El cual incluye las bandejas de entrada de correos electrónicos (400 mil correos electrónicos) ImageImage
Read 20 tweets
#zerodha #scam #Thread
Zerodha data leak has caused a huge number of investors lose their life long made wealth
Huge number of Zerodha accounts are hacked and there is no support from zerodha customer care.
Investors literally cried to freeze the account but they didn't respond
They don't even have a Branch so that people can go there and discuss their issue.

You can watch todays episode of Zee business where Mr.Anil singhvi has addressed and investigated the whole issue.

All the discount brokers are doing the same.
They don't have a single back office support and they are indulge in heavy data leaks leading to hacking.

This is just a start guys

Please secure your account
And Switch to full time service brokers.
Read 5 tweets
- Un système de stockage moléculaire de l'énergie solaire permettant une restitution sous forme d'électricité ... beau potentiel
- #PaLM le nouveau modèle d' #IA de #Google : expliquer des blagues, corriger du code informatique… rien ne lui résiste. Derrière ces perf. : 540 Mds de paramètres et 9M$ pour l'entrainement…
Read 7 tweets
Hey @IndiGo6E ,
Want to hear a story? And at the end of it I will tell you hole (technical vulnerability )in your system?

#dev #bug #bugbounty 😝😝 1/n
Soo I traveled from PAT - BLR from indigo 6E-185 yesterday. And my bag got exchanged with another passenger.

Honest mistake from both our end. As the bags exactly same with some minor differences. 2/n
I realised it only after I reached home when my wife pointed out that the bag seems to be a different from ours as we don’t use key based locks in our bags.
PS: We have too much faith in airline staff 😝😝
So right after reaching home I called your customer care. 3/n
Read 19 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/22/2022…
Physicists harness electrons to make 'synthetic dimensions'…
#RydbergAtoms, #QuantumSimulations, #SyntheticDimensions, #SpatialBoundaries
The formation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet was very different than previously believed…
#WestAntarctica, #IceSheet, #FormationPattern
Read 13 tweets
Ciberseguridad México
En este hilo compartiremos todo lo relacionado en #ciberseguridad de #Mexico

#DataBreach #DataLeaks #Ciberseguridad #Sin_ciberseguridad #hailredbird Image
Venden en foro de internet acceso a una #WebShell en un servidor comprometido con acceso a bases de datos del de @INEMexico

- Base de Datos 2018
- Base de Datos 2019
- Base de Datos 2021 ImageImageImageImage
En 2019 se filtraron 2GB de datos de @censia_salud
- Algunos datos aun están disponibles en sitios como pastebin, ghostebin y anonfiles

#databreach #mexico #dataleak ImageImageImageImage
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My data on @MobiKwik has been breached and posted online.
It includes my email, passwords, Bank Account details, Card details, phone number, Account Creation date, etc.
#mobikwik #MobikwikDataLeak #DataLeak
To check your leaked data:
(This is not made by me)
Read 3 tweets
Trading in #cryptocurrency? 3.5 Lakh Users data including me leaked From @buyucoin. The leaked data contains Name, Email, Mobile, bank account numbers, PAN Number, Wallets Details etc. Again didn't informed to affected users by company.
Story -…

Such an irresponsible statements by @buyucoin. I am your registered and #KYC Verified user. You leaked my own data too. Please change your statement ASAP. What if someone used my account in any illegal activity. Please Inform your users Right Now. #InfoSec
BuyUcoin Cryptocurrency User Data Allegedly Affecting Lakhs of People Leaked on the Dark Web..
#InfoSec #DataLeak #dataprivacy #GDPR…
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This is a page from the website of the company which got breached, or rather, left records of 337,384 Maltese voters *unsecured* in a MySQL database file.
They said it was a 'mishap' and that the data was 'old'. As if that matters in any way.
What I find absolutely mind boggling is how a company that basically is a box pusher for Windows Cloud Services and "Smart Home" (read Google Home), and which can't even explain its services coherently is trusted with this kind of super sensitive voter data.
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It’s time to publish the details of the biggest #DataLeak I had to deal with. @IndianOilcl leaked #Aadhaar numbers: 6,700,000 Aadhaar numbers
🔴 Update: Less than 3 hours later, @IndianOilcl shutdown the affected dealer portal
We tried to contact them through multiple ways during days. Nobody answered. This is a sad truth but this the truth: public shaming is the most effective way to fix an issue like this 😔
Read 8 tweets

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