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Mar 10th 2022
#FollowFriday tweet for the #FBPPR/#FBPR communities for 10th March 2022.

Follow everyone who Comments/Likes/Retweets this tweet.

#ProportionalRepresentation #DemocraticAlliance #FF #FollowBackFriday #FBFriday #FBF #Ukraine #SlavaUkraini Image
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Mar 10th 2022
#FollowFriday tweet for the #FBPA community for 10th March 2022.

Follow everyone who Comments/Likes/Retweets this tweet.

#ProgressiveAlliance #DemocraticAlliance #FF #FollowBackFriday #FBFriday #FBF #Ukraine #SlavaUkraini Image
'+' denotes follow back accounts.

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Feb 3rd 2022
This is a #FollowFriday tweet for the #FBPPR/#FBPR communities for 3rd February 2022.

Follow everyone who Comments, Likes or Retweets this tweet.

#ProportionalRepresentation #DemocraticAlliance #FF #FollowBackFriday #FBFriday #FBF #StrongerTogether Image
'+' denotes follow back accounts.

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Feb 3rd 2022
This is a #FollowFriday tweet for the #FBPA community for 3rd February 2022.

Follow everyone who Comments, Likes or Retweets this tweet.

#ProgressiveAlliance #DemocraticAlliance #FF #FollowBackFriday #FBFriday #FBF #StrongerTogether #RejoinEU Image
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Dec 16th 2021
If you want to see all my tweets including my #Top1000 tweets go to my profile @SydesJokes and select 'Tweets & Replies'.

Or check the linkโ€ฆ
Retweet the main tweet for 50 Engagement Points.
Like the main tweet for 25 Engagement Points.

Engagement Points are how I determine the ranking on my #Top1000 list. I give points for Likes, Replies & Retweets of my tweets.โ€ฆ
Read 6 tweets
Dec 16th 2021
If you want to see all my tweets including my #Top1000 tweets go to my profile @SydesJokes and select 'Tweets & Replies'.

Or check the linkโ€ฆ
Retweet the main tweet for 50 Engagement Points.
Like the main tweet for 25 Engagement Points.

Engagement Points are how I determine the ranking on my #Top1000 list. I give points for Likes, Replies & Retweets of my tweets.โ€ฆ
Read 6 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
If you want to see all my tweets including my #Top1000 tweets go to my profile @SydesJokes and select 'Tweets & Replies'.

Or check the linkโ€ฆ
Retweet the main tweet for 50 Engagement Points.
Like the main tweet for 25 Engagement Points.

Engagement Points are how I determine the ranking on my #Top1000 list. I give points for Likes, Replies & Retweets of my tweets.โ€ฆ
Read 7 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
If you want to see all my tweets including my #Top1000 tweets go to my profile @SydesJokes and select 'Tweets & Replies'.

Or check the linkโ€ฆ
Retweet the main tweet for 50 Engagement Points.
Like the main tweet for 25 Engagement Points.

Engagement Points are how I determine the ranking on my #Top1000 list. I give points for Likes, Replies & Retweets of my tweets.โ€ฆ
Read 7 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
Retweet the main tweet for 50 Engagement Points.
Like the main tweet for 25 Engagement Points.

Engagement Points are how I determine the ranking on my #Top1000 list. I give points for Likes, Replies & Retweets of my tweets.โ€ฆ
Read 5 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
Retweet the main tweet for 50 Engagement Points.
Like the main tweet for 25 Engagement Points.

Engagement Points are how I determine the ranking on my #Top1000 list. I give points for Likes, Replies & Retweets of my tweets.โ€ฆ
Read 5 tweets
Aug 5th 2021
@Neal_Compass I live in #CheshamAndAmersham @derek_rocholl. Campaigned for tactical voting in 2019. Now campaigning for #ProgressiveAlliance. In recent by-election, we needed some votes from @conservatives. These would never have voted @UKLabour. This is why local plans are needed
@Neal_Compass @derek_rocholl @Conservatives @UKLabour @chilterns4 Also, in 2019, we campaigned for tactical voting in 4 Chilterns constituencies. Lack of reciprocity lost us all four seats. @libdems would not stand aside in High Wycombe because @UKLabour would not stand aside in Chesham and Amersham. Frankly, absurd, irresponsible @chilterns4
@Neal_Compass @derek_rocholl @Conservatives @UKLabour @chilterns4 @LibDems Frankly I NEVER want to feel what I felt the day after 2019 election. Wandering dazed through Chesham. Seeing the damage the @conservatives had done/would do. Feeling devastated. Knowing that if there had been cooperation then we would have won at least High Wycombe @chilterns4
Read 6 tweets
Aug 2nd 2021
Dear all,
We at Chesham and Amersham - ForwardTogether (@chilterns4) have set up #facebook pages for supporters of a #ProgressiveAlliance #DemocraticAlliance to meet/talk/organise. We have started with marginal constituencies, plus where we were asked to do so. #FBPA #FBPPR (1)
Please do join these pages, if you live in these areas or nearby! Please also let us know (message me or @chilterns4) if you would like us to set up a page in your constituency or area.

#ProgressiveAlliance #DemocraticAlliance (2)
Below is our current list of pages that have been set up (not all in alphabetical order - apologies).
You can find them by searching Facebook by [Constituency name]-ForwardTogether

Please share!

Here we go!

#ProgressiveAlliance #DemocraticAlliance #FBPA #FBPPR(3)
Read 8 tweets
Jul 18th 2021
Eve of July 19=Unfreedom Day.

Imagine your child.
Imagine her in hospital.
Hooked up.
16 months since she first suffered
Long Covid.

This is Sammie's daughter. Today. Now.
Sammie is founder of @LongCovidKids.

Children before @Conservatives party

#COVID19 ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jul 8th 2021
Incredibly important discussion. Govt's failing mass infection strategy is based on libertarian ideology, not a prudent plan. @TheLancet @allthecitizens #JohnsonVariant #LongCovidKids
Hospitals already struggling. Record breaking attendances. Cancer operations being cancelled. ICUs filled with #COVID19 patients.
100 000 cases per day putting #NHS under incredible pressures. Vulnerable patients not being heard. @sajidjavid does not mention them. As if they don't exist. Abhorrent @doctor_oxford @Conservatives - is this the legacy you want to leave the future? #LongCovidKids @chilterns4
Read 17 tweets
Jul 7th 2021
I think we must understand it is worse than we thought. Our govt is deliberately fuelling the pandemic. Goal of hybrid immunity policy is to expose our unvaccinated children to #COVID19. To 60% more transmissive Delta variant
#LongCovidKids @chilterns4โ€ฆ
A conscious policy design to accelerate the virus through the bodies of our children. No isolation for kids, no free lateral flow tests, forced back to work, no mandatory masks, no payment support. Scandalous generational burden of permanent scarring. @Conservatives @sajidjavid
Why? Because they have failed to keep us safe with proper #COVID19 infrastructure. Because #JohnsonVariant could not resist strongman Modi. Because ideology must come first: people last. Hallmarks of a degenerate regime #LongCovidKids
Read 8 tweets
Jul 6th 2021
If the message has not got through, then here it is again. Our govt has abandoned us. It has deliberately smashed social solidarity. Set us one against another. By foregoing its responsibility to protect, it has become an illegitimate, failing regime @Conservatives @sajidjavid
We are on our own. As we were at pandemic start. Stitching together mutual aid & joint action. Organised society & communities can respond:
Corporates - let people work from home, mask up frontline staff & customers. Require social distancing. Set up your own test, track, trace
Civil Society - come together as whole services. Pool your people & resources. Maintain Covid-19 infrastructure (ignore govt advice post July 19)
Read 8 tweets
Jul 3rd 2021
Simple fact

Tony Blair worked together with Paddy Ashdown

In 1997 to bring the Tories down

@UKLabour did not win on its own then

@UKLabour can not win on its own now @Keir_Starmer

#DemocraticAlliance #ProgressiveAlliance
#TacticalVoting #ProportionalRepresentation
Real reason the "left" SWP/Lexit types don't want a

#DemocraticAlliance #ProgressiveAlliance formed by


Would be a progressive centre left Govt with no space for SWP/Lexit types, their grip would be lost on Labour
My own alignment puts me in the area of Chomsky

These so called "left" SWP/Lexit types would rather have another 5/10/15 years of Tory rule if they can't have a 100% SWP/Lexit run Labour Govt majority run by them

So will condemn us to continued increasingly fascist Tory Govt
Read 3 tweets
Jun 29th 2021
Is it a waste of time to campaign for a #ProgressiveAlliance #DemocraticAlliance?

There are multiple hurdles, including:

*and NB please add, as I want to hear about any I've omitted.

- The continuing conviction of some libdems/some Labour that they can win an absolute majority (aka #SwinsonSyndrome or #CorbynComplex)
*They can't. This is the decision now: keep shouting in the wilderness or gain power with others who share your values if not your policies.
- Division in @UKLabour party, both between centre/left, & ideologues/realists.

*Both debates are frequently prioritised higher than any push to get power.
Power is the only way to forge change and having the - well, power- to implement policy.
Isn't power what it's about?
Read 11 tweets
Jun 21st 2021
Summer Solstice.
An opportune time to restate the case.
We face a double catastrophe; #climatechange and #ecologicalcrisis
Whilst the ecological crisis can be at least partially reversed, given the right conditions, the climate crisis cannot. 1/
With more and more co2 and other gigs being released, we are accelerating towards a planet AT LEAST 2ยฐC warmer than at present. It's unlikely to happen in a smooth, linear fashion, some years a little cooler, followed by big jumps in temperature. 2/
We'll hit some tipping points, which may take us way higher than 2ยฐC of warming.
None of this is good for the other species we share our planet with. The ecological crisis will deepen.
Given we know these things 3/
Read 11 tweets
May 30th 2021
GE 2022/3 scenario. No PR (most likely). Poor take-up of tactical voting (unfair to put burden on voters). High risk of frame-breaking right wing Tory govt. Parties must build #ProgressiveAlliance platform mobilising entire progressive ecosystem. Demand one now
#ProgressiveAlliance is necessary for winning. Parties must be responsible. But if we here on Twitter and in our communities don't show them there is a fierce hunger for #DemocraticAlliance, parties think they have done enough by supporting PR and tactical voting.
We here really do have an incredibly important role to play. By uniting on Twitter around a #ProgressiveAlliance in the 2022/3 GE, we unite also in the real world. Come together. Be the change.
Read 3 tweets
May 29th 2021
Giving this more thought. Since the opposing parties lack a parliamentary majority, how will they secure PR? Whilst debates on PR go back & forth, we get closer to a 2022/3 General Election
In the next GE, we must remove from power the people who have stolen the #conservative party. We will likely not have PR to help us. So we need to start building now a #ProgressiveAlliance. Goes beyond tactical voting. Makes choice easier for the voter
So, parties must resist temptation to channel demand for #ProgressiveAlliance into debates about PR & tactical voting. We need something more inventive. A platform for #DemocraticAlliance . A natural home for our votes
Read 4 tweets
May 29th 2021
What is a #ProgressiveAlliance ? It is the strategic answer to the meta-threat the people who have stolen the #Conservative party present to our democracy. To the freedom, power and solidarity we need to pursue all other progressive policy objectives.
There may be other strategies - such as tactical voting. But these put too great a burden on the voter. And gets the parties off the hook - they don't need to do anything. The parties must take back responsibility. They must serve their core public purpose of giving us voice.
It is not fair to keep asking the voter to shoulder the risks of perpetually losing parties. The task of the voter (especially under #FPTP) needs to be made easier with a binary choice - and it is the job of the opposing parties to provide one.
Read 4 tweets
May 26th 2021
Hello Twitter Friends,

As we absorb and reflect on the Cummings evidence. A thread asking - How can we, together, create #ProgressiveAlliance #DemocraticAlliance?

If you can, do please enrich the discussion with your experiences and ideas. Send Tweets & Messages

Here goes:
(1) The political parties need our support to come to the table, to start their talks. Let's identify and dismantle their barriers to doing so.
(2) Operationally, PA might consist of:
1. Shared values - inc. conservatives who feel politically homeless
2. Committed party leaders
3. Mobilised network of local groups
4. Climate of goodwill & joint purpose
5. Orchestrating entity to hold whole lot together

Please refine
Read 11 tweets

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