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Feb 14th 2023
BREAKING: Active Shooter Reported At #Michigan State University.
UPDATE: Multiple Victims Are Being Transported To Hospitals Near @michiganstateu After An Active Shooter On Campus.
The @FBIDetroit Has Confirmed They Have Responded.
UPDATE: Mass Shooting Scene At @michiganstateu.
Multiple Fatalities Reported By First Responders. Shooter Is Still At Large.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
The US military has shot down 4 flying objects over North American airspace over the past 8 days.

3 of the objects remain unidentified as of late Sunday, and were separately shot down within 3 days.

Here’s what we know so far about these 4 objects👇…
Feb. 4: #ChineseSpyBalloon Shot Down
The 1st object was initially reported as unidentified until US officials said it was a Chinese surveillance balloon.

The @WhiteHouse and Pentagon said the balloon had violated US sovereignty by entering US airspace without permission.
The 200 feet-tall balloon was first reported after being seen by civilians in #Montana, after which it was allowed to traverse across the US, despite the maneuverable balloon passing over the site of sensitive airbases and strategic nuclear missile silos.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 4th 2023
BREAKING: Pentagon Source Tells Me The @DeptofDefense Is Executing A Plan To Possibly Shoot Down The Chinese Spycraft Balloon Just Off The East Coast In The Atlantic But In #UnitedStates Airspace. @USNavy Forces Are Preparing For Recovery If They're Able To Down The Craft.
UPDATE: The Fighter Jet Tasked With Downing The #Chinese Spy Balloon Was Flying Under The Callsign #Sniper & Is Joining A Fleet Of Military Aircraft & @USNavy South-Southeast Of #MyrtleBeach #SouthCarolina In The #AtlanticOcean Image
UPDATE: The #FAA Has Shut Down Airspace Where The @DeptofDefense Is Attempting To Shoot Down & Have The @USNavy Recover #China's Spy Aircraft Balloon. Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱#MxplayTV|⏯️…💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | @lopezobrador_ explicó que el hecho de que al unos medios de información "se dediquen a calumniar y atacar" es "una muestra fehaciente de que tenemos democracia", pues "en una dictadura no sucede eso", además, reiteró que "no va haber censura"
#ConferenciaPresidente | #QuiénEsQuiénEnLasMentiras

❌Falso que aerolíneas de #EUA cancelen sus vuelos a #Cancún

✔️Las aerolíneas de EUA anunciaron que habrá más vuelos hacia Cancún, además, el 23 de enero se informó que en 2022 se llegó a 700 vuelos diarios a Cancún
Read 26 tweets
Jan 25th 2023

#美國聯邦航空總署 FAA「俏俏地」默許 #飛行員#心電圖「不再正常」

#FAA 剛剛通過以「擴大飛行員的 #ECG參數」來傳達一個事實:
大量航空公司飛行員的心臟因接種 #COVID疫苗 而受到嚴重損害。
自從疫苗推出後,FAA於去年10月24日,在沒有任何公告的情況下,悄悄地「擴大了」飛行員飛行所需要的 #EKG要求
把飛行員 #心電圖參數容許範圍#PR值間距,從正常的120-200毫秒,提升至300毫秒。

PR值是衡量 #心臟功能 的指標,若從一直沿用的0.12-0.2範圍,擴大至0.12-0.3「甚至可能更高」。
這是一個非常廣闊的範圍;它基本上是適合心臟已經受傷的人。心臟病專家 #ThomasLevy 對這種變化亦感到震驚….


如此看來,COVID疫苗為至少5000萬美國人造成了 #心臟損傷,這數字似乎過於保守了。
Read 5 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
SouthWest: We're gonna F up a few thousand flights

FAA: Hold my beer!

The FAA right now
BREAKING: Flights across the U.S. impacted by a major outage, FAA says.…
Read 9 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
Breaking - All flights nationwide have beengrounded - the #FAA is facing a computer outage.

But don’t worry! Transportation Secretary Pete is on the job.
You're not aware of the brilliant talents of our nation's Transportation Secretary?

The fact that liberals thought the above tweet was an insult against Mayor Peter says more about their bigotry than it does about mine. Why are liberals so frightened by the sight of a man with a baby?
Read 3 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
One of the myths stopping us from investing in US Naval shipbuilding is that shipyards and defense contractors are wringing huge profits from taxpayers. They do charge exorbitant rates but do they make exorbitant profit? Or does DOD bureaucracy eat away their bottom line? 🧵
The above is a chart of S&P 500 (in orange) performance against major naval defense contractors.
And here it is compared to two companies that really do reach into the pockets of most Americans, @apple (purple) and @Google (brown).
Read 19 tweets
Mar 21st 2022


1. Será internacional porque hay una aerolínea extranjera que volará: la venezolana Conviasa, calificada como muy insegura por
Ninguna otra extranjera usará este aeropuerto en el corto plazo. NINGUNA.
2. Debido a que México no satisface los estándares de seguridad, a la Administración Federal de Aviación (#FAA) se le asignó en 2021 la Categoría 2 que impide que las aerolíneas mexicanas lancen nuevas rutas a EEUU mientras México no recupere la Categoría 1.
3. Por estar en la FAA en Categoría 2, está imposibilitada para certificar al AIFA, por lo tanto este aeropuerto carece de certificación y con ello la casi nula posibilidad de recibir vuelos internacionales de líneas importantes.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
1/ Comparing the 3 Federal Cannabis Legalization Bills proposed will likely clarify much of the misunderstanding and misinformation on this platform. With the editing help of @GoBlueCdn & @thecannalysts and the thought provoking discussion of many
@GoBlueCdn @thecannalysts 2/ & many others this document developed:…

A few key points: The closer you look, the more I feel you will agree that the key provisions that will affect the Federally legal aren't
@GoBlueCdn @thecannalysts 3/ all that different. The biggest are Tax Rate & Tax Proceeds Allocation. While #MORE provides the lion's share to Expungement, CAOA funds Expungement & Social Equity equally. #SRA funds Law Enforcement (no comment). Yes, CAOA's tax rate is the highest. However,
Read 23 tweets
Dec 28th 2021
Amerikalı #YouTuber #TrevorJacob,“uçağım düştü” diyerek bir video paylaştı birkaç gün önce.
Pilot, motoru duran uçaktan paraşütle atlayarak kurtuluyor. Uçak yere çakılana kadarki tüm süreç ise, uçağa takılı aksiyon kameraları tarafından saniye saniye kaydediliyor.
#PPL pilot lisansına sahip Jacob’un söylediğine göre, 1942 model bir #TaylorCraft ile tek başına uçarken, uçağın motoru durunca atlamaktan başka çaresi kalmıyor ve ekliyor: “paraşüt takmadan küçük uçaklara binmeyin”
Read 6 tweets
Jul 21st 2021
¿Qué sucedió en el #AICM en realidad esta mañana?

-Abro hilo-
El que se haya caído el sistema, los radares o un sector, es algo que puede suceder aquí en cualquier parte del mundo y se activan los protocolos como los marca el manual de procedimientos y no pasa nada.
Vamos por partes y trataré de no ser muy técnico para que comprendan como funciona la red de comunicación:
Read 21 tweets
Dec 12th 2020
#NarcoLeopoldo El avión AC90 #N690SE (de EEUU) que llevó ayer a Leopoldo López de Bogotá a Cúcuta (y de vuelta) es "propiedad" de una compañía de aviación de #Florida que gestionó venta y registro de otra aeronave capturada en #Honduras con un cargamento de 500 kilos de cocaína.
La aeronave opera habitualmente desde el aeropuerto La Nubia de #Manizales. FligthAware muestra sus vuelos recientes, incluído el del jueves a Bogotá para llevar a López y compañía, ida y vuelta, a #Cúcuta. También se ve el nombre del propietario: Skyline Enterprises Corp.
La compañía Skyline Enterprises Corp es un conglomerado de servicios de aviación y es la firma que formalmente actúa como "propietario fiduciario" del AC90 ante la administración aeronáutica #FAA de EEUU. La última gestión la realizó en SEP de 2019. Aquí la captura de AviationDB.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
#KRITIS Sektor #Transport und #Verkehr

US-Ausschuss prangert #Boeing wegen Schlamperei und Vertuschung an

Die Abstürze zweier Boeing #737Max kosteten 346 Menschen das Leben. 1/3…
Der abschließende Befund des US-Repräsentantenhauses [245 Seiten!]: Ursache war die #Gier des Konzerns, die zu gutgläubige #Luftfahrtbehörde ist mit schuld. 2/3
"Max-Abstürze..schreckliche Höhepunkt einer Reihe falscher technischer Annahmen von #Boeing-Ingenieuren, mangelnder Transparenz des Managements und einer grob unzureichenden Aufsicht durch #FAA." Boeing wird in dem Bericht erneut eine "Kultur des Verheimlichens" vorgeworfen. 3/3
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Sep 1st 2020
Rocket Lab has been granted a Launch Operator License by @FAANews for Electron missions from LC-2! This is a major step toward the first Electron launches from U.S. soil.
Our new #FAA Launch Operator License allows for multiple launches from LC-2 for the next 5 years without needing a new launch-specific license for every mission.
Simplified licensing enables streamlined access to space for U.S. government small sats. Across our 3 launch pads, Rocket Lab can support up to 130 launch opportunities every year.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 10th 2019
#Ethiopia: @PMEthiopia indicates there has been a plane crash involving @flyethiopian "Boeing 737 on regular scheduled flight to Nairobi, Kenya this morning." The office extended it’s condolences to the families who lost their lives. But, there is no corresponding info as of yet.
Update: FanaBC confirms the news. "Ethiopian airline Boeing 337 flight from Addis Abeba to Nairobi crashed," the headline says. The news provides no further detail other than the quote from the PM office

**NOTE: AS is informed the accident did happen…
Update: It's confirmed. The aircraft B-737-800MAX with registration number ET- AVJ took off at 08:38 am local time from AA, Bole Intl Airport & lost contact at 08:44am. It crashed around Bishoftu. It has 149 passengers & 8 crew members.… (Pic: Profile).
Read 54 tweets

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