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“Despite police, county executives and national pundits falsely labeling bail reform a disaster, in the few places like New York state that have tried it, bail reform has been a win for freedom.”

My latest with @ScottHech for @NBCNews.

#FactsNotFear 🧵…
82% of Manhattan voters voted for Kathy Hochul over Lee Zeldin & his fear mongering. The idea that crime was on the ballot is absurd. In fact, NYC is safest of the 6 larger US cities. Bail reform has been a success with rearrest rates the same now as prior to its implementation. Image
Crime wasn’t even the #1 issue for Zeldin voters in NY. 65% told the AP that the economy was their biggest concern. It shouldn’t be understated the degree to which the media worked to manufacture consent around crime as the #1 issue & even GOP voters to rejected it. Image
Read 15 tweets
EMERGENCY: New York lawmakers are about to pass a budget that undermines everything they say they believe in and doubles down on the racist criminalization of poverty. Thread. 1/
After months of talking about the need to address the troubling increase in gun violence, NY leaders are trying to push a bill that targets victimless, low-level crimes of poverty like jumping the turnstile or mothers who can’t afford diapers for dangerous pre-trial jailing. /2
This plan will do nothing to address gun violence. It will only worsen mental health, substance use disorder, and poverty. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to matter. /3
Read 15 tweets

THREAD: Harris Co. Commissioners Court approved of a contract to transfer incarcerated persons from the tjail to LaSalle Corrections in Louisiana. This is a backlog crisis caused by District Attorney Kim Ogg and law enforcement. 1/

With @TxJailProject @Grassroots_News as part of @LiberateHTX we call on the community to join w/ family members of incarcerated persons in a Solidarity March to Depopulate Harris Co. Jail (#LoveNotLaSalle, #BringThemHome, #FactsNotFear) 2/
We will gather on Saturday, March 5, at 11 AM, at the Harris County Jail, 701 N. San Jacinto St., Houston, TX, 77002.

#LoveNotLaSalle #BringThemHome #FactsNotFear


Art, small instruments, and sound makers encouraged! 3/ Image
Read 8 tweets
1/Welp, I spent last night continuing my research into the #blizzard2022 #hoax.

Thankfully, @Twitter and Facebook have helpful algorithms that pointed me in the direction of *real* experts who helped me round out my thinking.
2/I studied poignant, analytical memes from leading thinkers in finance, technology, and art sales.

To my surprise, their insights actually CONFIRMED all of my pre-conceived notions about this storm.

Thanks for the research help @Twitter!
3/All of this research has led me to conclude that the hype around #blizzard2022 is being driven by the weather-industrial complex.

In short, it is all #propaganda.

I am concerned for our republic.
Read 17 tweets
Don’t be fooled by bad actors who use #disinformation to scare you. Fight the #fear with #facts.
People have been spreading a false narrative that they are teaching #CRT to kids in school. In #reality CRT is a complicated theory created in law school. Way above the difficulty level of any k-12 curriculum.
#CRT does not teach anyone to be anti-#American. It tries to get a clear picture of how #racism effected our legal system.
Read 8 tweets
Aren't you getting tired of him consistently suing to hide his transgressions?!
Bank records
Medical records
Witness testimony
Enough. It IS our business who he really is.
Read 10 tweets

Imagine that someone was able to collect information on occurrences of chest pain in every "otherwise healthy" university student, staff member or faculty in North America that were exposed to chemicals as part of their studies, employment, or tenure.

1/... Image
Data was collected for decades from the beginning of Sept. to the end of April - every year.

"Inclusion criteria" included all of the above - and "otherwise healthy" was defined as NO previous episodes of chest pain prior to enrollment, employment, tenure - AND..

...NO pre-existing history of cardiac problems, hypertension or respiratory health issues.

Data for male & female subjects is separated and comparison between to the two is analyzed.


Read 17 tweets
🧵Well, yesterday, Dr. Vanderhoff in his press conference finally got with the program and said "We are seeing early indicators that cases appear to be peaking and beginning to point toward a decline."

I'm so glad he's so timely with that information. Although to anyone who actually looks at the data itself, it's been pretty clear for weeks now that we are declining.
Not 'starting', not 'early indicators' not 'appears' - it's right there, glaringly obvious, nothing but their own data, attached to this post and a hundred others just like it for all to follow along.
Read 9 tweets
Below is a response I made (to someone else's comment) on the "Charles McVety Report" FB page, under the post I shared on FB a couple of days ago:

[See thread below.]

A completely unique, completely faulty, and all-inclusive "case definition" (aka "inclusion criteria" for data) was invented for CV-19 that no other respiratory virus has ever had.

and… )

"Hospitalizations", "ICU Admissions", "Deaths", etc. are all just subsets of the total number of "cases" (aka "positive" test results) - and as such are subject to the same "case definition".

Read 14 tweets
@newsinblack @BlackNews
@Blackbirds how can so many not only do not know of the case surrounding the death of #AmbroseGGBall with @ukhomeoffice insisting on attempting to bury #thetruthuntold leaving Toni aka Ruth Lovell @garymason479 and her @TRUTHTIMEPLS without
unadressed as #Twitter #TikTok #Facebook simultaneously block, mute and or remove her posts without the @goodblacknews @blacknewsalerts @BlackNewsUK @BlackNews4Real stepping up to correct what @BBC @ctvc @clarehjohns @DavidLammy @VpoDr @MPSHaringey
had set up for the sole purpose of covering up the #TruthMatters leaving a mother in the situation that #thisistottenham aired a month before the @INQUEST_ORG started against the familys wishes as it was made known to all involved

Read 10 tweets
1) Common themes in this @OntHumanRights statement:
- "protect people at work"
- "collectively protect the general public"
- "collective rights to health and safety"…
- "unless it would significantly interfere with people’s health and safety"
- "public health and safety"
- "would significantly compromise health and safety"

Their (and the government's) ENTIRE justification for vaccine mandates is that the unvaccinated pose a risk to the health & safety of others.

This however is steeped in logical fallacies.

Read 13 tweets
Congresswoman Cory Bush (D) of Missouri voted to defund the police but paid $70,000 of tax prayer money for personal security. And she said you can suck it up because SHE needs to protection.
She also blamed needing security on white supremacy and racism.
Mayor of SanFran London Breed cut $120m from the SF police dept while increasing the security detail of public officials from $1.7m to $2.6m over a five year period.


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1/ @APDillon_ @jonpsanders @JohnLockeNC @markrobinsonNC @Chad_Adams NC C19 trends through 7/27/21. NCDHHS consistently modifies their dashboard (adds tests which ⬇️ incidence) and adds death data as far back as 6/20, & is no longer updating on weekends.
2/ Overall incidence is 7.26% and has never been at 5% since testing began; no statistically significant change since the mask mandate. Overall incidence 7/28/20: 7.56%, 7/27/21: 7.26%
3/ Daily incid b/w 3.12% & 11.19% over last 14 days. Avg daily incid for 7/21 (5.2%) significantly <7/20 (8.1%). Avg daily incid: May: 6.8% June: 7.6% July 8.1% Aug 6.9% Sept 5.7% Oct 6.4% Nov 7.4% Dec 10.9% Jan 12.0% Feb 7.9% Mar: 5.4% Apr: 5.8% 5/21: 4.4%
6/21: 2.2% 7/21: 5.2%
Read 20 tweets
क़रीब 3.5 करोड़ की जनसंख्या वाला भारत का छोटा सा राज्य है केरल। चाइनीज़ वायरस के पहले तीनों मामले इसी राज्य में मिले थे। वामपंथी शासित है, महामारी के दौरान भी @vijayanpinarayi शासित ही रहा। गुलाम मानसिकता के पत्रकारों ने टीवी बहस में, अख़बारों में कोविड प्रबंधन की खूब प्रशंसा की
अभी भी बड़ा वर्ग है पत्रकारों का जो पहली फ़ुरसत में वामपंथ शासित, साक्षर केरल की चमत्कारी कहानियाँ सुनाने लगता है। बीच रास्ते गाय का बछड़ा मारकर उस राज्य में खाया गया, लेकिन वर्तमान संदर्भों में भी चाइनीज़ वायरस का क़हर देश पर लगातार टूटा तो उसमें केरल की भूमिका सबसे ख़राब रही
अब दूसरी लहर के कम होने की बात की जा रही है तो भी केरल एक ऐसा राज्य है जो चुनौती बना है। अभी केरल में प्रतिदिन 12000 से ज़्यादा संक्रमित हो रहे हैं। दुर्भाग्य से ठीक होने वालों की संख्या संक्रमितों से कम है। खाड़ी के पैसे पर पलने वाले राज्य की सच्चाई कम ही जानते हैं #FactsMatter
Read 5 tweets
There is a difference between what is basically the bureaucratic medical community (& those that follow their ever command) - and the common sense, #FactsNotFear medical community like: @OnCall4ON
@dockaurG @ashkaur @GilNimni @DrP_MD @JeanmarcBenoit @strauss_matt @erdocAA
@RidaKMirza @doc_turek @silvana_bolano @PooyaKazemi1983 @DrJ56013122 @mdlangdon1 etc.
(My apologies to anyone I forgot.)

@fordnation @celliottability @JustinTrudeau @PattyHajdu - perhaps you need to listen to those in the above thread for a change.
Read 6 tweets
A few hours ago, the @OttawaCitizen posted an article entitled, "Face to Face with COVID deniers in the ICU."

Here is the reply I posted:

- It is OK to believe that some people will get really sick...and some with die from COVID-19.

- It is OK to realize that the vast majority of those patients are elderly, have at least 3 comorbidities (affecting heart, lungs, immune system), AND live in a cohorted care setting - such as LTC.

- It is OK to realize that smoking is a HUGE risk factor for respiratory infections - and one that is often forgotten or discounted by patients, the health care system and media.
(Still looking at vaping and CV-19...)

Read 34 tweets
Hey #Ontario

8 things to think about as we head into a new week:

1) Reminder: "Hospitalization", "ICU" & "Deaths" are all subsets of the total number of "Cases" - & are subject to the same case definition.

- The case definition only requires...

...a recent "positive" test result (NO symptoms required).

- This means that neither "Cases", "Hospitalizations", "ICU" nor "Deaths" require the person to actually have COVID-19 symptoms to be counted.

2) #BREAKING: Viruses do NOT care about your feelings or how important your task is (or you feel that it is).

- If a virus so contagious and/or dangerous that the only way to protect yourself is to take precautions - then the level of risk does NOT...

Read 25 tweets
My Dream Team to take over Ontario's (& Canada's) COVID-19 response (& investigation):
David Redman & @OnCall4ON @dockaurG @ashkaur @strauss_matt @JeanmarcBenoit @DrP_MD @GilNimni @erdocAA @mdlangdon1 @RidaKMirza @cold_steel_17 @doc_turek @DonaldWelsh16 @Metabo_PhD
Ontario politicians who are taking a stand against the imposed draconian measures: @Roman_Baber @BKarahalios @randyhillier @NewBlueON

Be sure to follow everyone in the 3 tweets in the thread above.

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Someone asked me yesterday why schools aren't mainly open in San Francisco (despite 30 cases in city of 896K yesterday (& they test), <10 hospitalizations) or California (hundreds of thousand of tests done, 1400 cases in state of 40 million, lowest case rate in nation).
But do think clear why. We took a very partisan approach which - in this case- meant we used a fear-based, exaggerated approach to pandemic management without principles of #harmreduction (harm reduction reduces risk to a pathogen by sensible messages)…
And, understandably, if we scared people more and took a fear-based approach, we could hopefully reduce infections by getting people to stay away from each other (a common tactic: people used to use scare tactics with HIV as well) instead of #harmreduction…
Read 17 tweets
1/ @APDillon_ @Chad_Adams @jonpsanders @JohnLockeNC @PeteKaliner @DrKellyVictory I’m old enough to remember when we were told to stay home, wear masks in/outside, don’t go near anyone, b/c if we did any of that we “could kill grandma.”
2/ All of this is supposed to protect the vulnerable, right?

Yet there are current outbreaks at 135 SNF’s & 73 residential care facilities in NC as of 4/20/21.

Sure, NC is doing a bang up job of protecting the vulnerable 🙄
3/ NC needs to ensure policies/procedures are in place at these facilities to monetarily reward ZERO Covid cases (think reimbursement) to truly protect this vulnerable population. These facilities also need to reduce patient:CNA/nurse ratio.
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Legal organizations and lawyers that have consistently held the gov't to account for their draconian restrictions, the damage they are inflicting, & the lack of science to back them up:

My apologies to anyone that I missed.
Please feel free to suggest some addition COVID-realists in the comments below.
Read 4 tweets
If you don't already follow this group of Physicians on Twitter & Facebook, please do:…
Some other physicians to follow:
Some other clinical scientists, clinicians, etc. to follow:

Excellent, realistic analysis of COVID-19 stats, etc.:
Journalist that has consistently held the gov't to account for their draconian restrictions, the damage they are inflicting, & the lack of science to back them up:
Read 8 tweets
Just a reminder...

"Hospitalizations", "ICU admissions", & "deaths" attributed to COVID-19 are all a subset of the total # of "cases" - and as such are subject to the case definition which only requires a "+" test result (with or WITH symptoms) usually within previous 30 days.…

So, if you had a "positive" test result on admission to hospital for emergency heart surgery, etc. - and NEVER had or developed symptoms during your entire hospital stay - you would be classified as a "COVID-19 Hospitalization".
If you had a "+" test result & then died of traumatic injuries after an accident, committed suicide, or were already on death's doorstep & were expected to die imminently from cancer - yet had absolutely NO symptoms of COVID-19 - you would still be classified a "COVID-19 death".
Read 7 tweets

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