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Jan 15th 2023
It also seems very poorly timed vis a vis the peace efforts underway in neighbouring Ethiopia, the war & peace effort in which all of these countries were either directly or indirectly involved in to different degrees.
Excepting Botswana which seems a to be an outlier.
It would be far better if the US pursued its strategic objectives in the HoA primarily using soft power rather than military exercises.

How does this exercise relate to #ATMIS

I have a lot of questions and concerns about the implications of a renewed US military posture in HOA.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 5th 2021
This is an excerpt from a report supportive of Chinese government actions in #Xinjiang #EastTurkestan. It points to an expanded #China #PRC understanding of #CT #counterterrorism #GWOT, namely "cultural security."…
The 2015 Anti-Terrorism Law specifies the government’s opposition "to the use of any form of 'distorted religious doctrines' or other ideologies that incite hatred or discrimination and/or promote violence and other forms of extremism, with the aim of eradicating the ideological
basis of terrorism from society. This should be understood as an attempt on behalf of the Chinese legislator to go beyond the simple prevention of the criminal act as such, in what could be defined a form of preventive prevention or pre-prevention."
Read 5 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
It's 9/11/2020 today. Sept 11. This day 19 years ago the world. as we knew it then, changed. The dreadful 9/11 terrorist attack to something far more devastating, destructive and damaging - the misguided US-led #GWoT -Global War on Terror. Much has been written on GWoT since then
But this short monograph by Geoffrey Record of the Strategi Studies Institute, US Army War College, written but 2 short years after the event sums up the US response with a clarity that has endured 2 decades later.…
Here is the foreword summarising the broad conclusions: Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
>37 million people have
fled their homes in the eight most violent wars the U.S. military has launched or participated in since 2001…
#peace #EndWar #GlobalWarOnTerror #GWOT #NatSec #HumanRights
#USA has fought in >=24 countries since 2001

Sources cited:……
Conditions in #Yemen are so bad people can't even leave the country…
Read 10 tweets
Jul 11th 2020…

Holy effin' data breach Batman, @webster with the YUGE story for @MNReformer on just how gigantic #Blueleaks really was.

I have a few points to bring up but every govt. official in MN needs to wake up to this, now.

"Also released were personally identifying contact information for security personnel for critical infrastructure sites in Minnesota like nuclear power plants, chemical processing facilities, rail networks, pipelines, hospitals and campuses of major employers and schools."

"Information on over 9,000 government and industry personnel dating back over 15 years were divulged in a breach of data from ICEFISHX, an intelligence sharing and emergency alert website..."


Read 12 tweets
Nov 21st 2019
We base the starting date for the Iran hostage crisis as a U.S. national emergency on Presidential Executive Order 12170. It remains in effect (which quite honestly surprised us).…
We base the starting date for Cuban military attacks as a U.S. national emergency on Presidential Proclamation 6867. It remains in effect.…
We base the starting date for Somali piracy as a U.S. national emergency based on Presidential Executive Order 13536. It remains in effect.…
Read 80 tweets
Aug 20th 2019
Pompeo, in his Fox interview, made a few interesting statements on Afghanistan. 1) after the wedding attack, simply said US will continue to "decimate" "radical Islamic terrorism" "in a way that is smart and doesn’t require excess sacrifice on behalf of the American people." /1
That's a sensible balance, more than "end forever wars," signaling under Trump the US is not completely withdrawing from anywhere. and 2) Pompeo stated Trump's goal clear: reduce cost (money and lives) but ensure a posture that can reduce homeland attacks from Afgh. 2/
"Those twin goals are what the President set out for my team and for the Department of Defense. We’re working towards them. I am confident that we can achieve them." /3
Read 13 tweets
Jul 9th 2019
3. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq

#Iraq #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren
1. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq 🤨👇🏼…
2. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq 🤨👇🏼
Read 67 tweets

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